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Poll How Often Do You Use Protection?

How Often Do You Use Protection?

  • Always (most of the time)

    Votes: 12 42.9%
  • Sometimes (very seldom)

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Fuck A Condom (EBRC)

    Votes: 13 46.4%

  • Total voters
I'm Gold Pack Gang all day. I ain't got time for the headaches that could possibly come w/ unless we been rockin' w/ each other for a hot minute. I'll leave goin' Monday Night Raw w/ these yamps to y'all savages. lol

But the ill shit is in my experience 90+ percent of the women I've had dealings w/ don't bring up condemns @ all. I usually test'em to see where their heads @ and a high majority just try to jump on da dick. I don't feel like she trust me, I jus feel like this how you are w/ any other ol' nikka.

When you ask them "You got condemns", they given you that uGgB48R.gif

kinda look. Lol!

For real tho...when did having protection fall solely as the responsibility of the guy??

My ex...GRHS...had this dumb azzz logic that she didn't, or should have protection available, just b/c she wasn't out in the streets fuccin like that.


...that pretty much was my reaction to that dumbazzz response. In reality, the hefa was too damn lazy to leave her house and go get some.

I made sure I got some wit her azzz for two reasons...

1) Pussy was FIYAH!
2) I was NOT tryin to have a child with this hefa

Hefa had NO ambition...refused to changed her hardheaded thinkin...didn't have a direction.

It wasn't until a couple of years b4 she passed where she finally locked in on photography. By that time she didn't want kids. Still wasnt tryin to raw.
Who talks about condemning during sex?

I didn't say "during".

Beforehand, foreplay, kissin' or when just plain ol' whippin' out the stick, 9 x outta 10 the broad will not make any mention or hint @ a rubber. They just tryna get to wigglin' w/ no time wasted!
I didn't say "during".

Beforehand, foreplay, kissin' or when just plain ol' whippin' out the stick, 9 x outta 10 the broad will not make any mention or hint @ a rubber. They just tryna get to wigglin' w/ no time wasted!
It was a...

Sir, you spelled condom wrong.

It’s condom not condemn.
Ol sound it out looking ass
Numerous chances have been taken, never with a random tho.

Got enough sense to avoid the temptation, most of the time.

Thank the lord.
I'm a choosy lover,I never fuck without a rubber.
Also never in the sheets, I like it on top of the covers.
He puts my money on the dresser and when I'm in my Kompressor, he tells me I'm top notch and get the most, not the lesser.
All good long as they not fucking randos lol

But I just trust em to let me know if something was up *shrug*

Hol up


So, long as they fuckin ya homies or mf you kno of (who prolly raw too), it's all good cuz you trust them?

Hol up


So, long as they fuckin ya homies or mf you kno of (who prolly raw too), it's all good cuz you trust them?


That’s not at all what I meant by randos....

Randos would be somebody she doesn’t know, could give a fuck if I know em
I prefer just keeping to one partner and I'm definitely strapping u to prevent babies.
That’s not at all what I meant by randos....

Randos would be somebody she doesn’t know, could give a fuck if I know em

Ok, long as she kno them

so if she fuckin 10 other dudes she "knows" (most likely raw too), all good cuz you trust her?
