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How cool are you with your neighbors?


These scars are the only real proof they could not
my old neighbor just hit me to stop by and just talk bout life and shit...idk how to feel bout that
I dont know my neighbors.I live in a condo though, but the dude across the hall is the only one ive ever spoken to. My Roommate saw him beating his dog in the parking lot and called animal control on him. Then randomly im leaving for work and he comes out of his condo and starts with "Dude! Someone called animal control on me, can you believe that shit?!" Was just an odd way to begin a conversation, especially with someone you dont know.

One time, like 1 AM, I pull up in my parking spot and get out, start heading to the stairs. I see him on one set of stairs and he sees me. He goes "Dude!! Are you ok?"

I just stop and look at him like "....yeah.. Im just getting home.."

Then he goes on this long story of how he was cleaning his gun and it went off so hes trying to connect with all the neighbors to make sure they're ok.

All the other neighbors I just havent seen besides getting in and out of cars in the mornings or night.
I dont really know mine but we speak in passing for the most part...buuuuut theres this lil dude that always catches me outside and ALWAYS has the most outlandish ass stories to tell me. The fucked up part is theyre so outta control i always wanna call him a liar, but the ones ive been able to verify have ALL been true.
Mines are outside nearly every day sittin on they’re porch. They’re good peoples (husband retired Army, wife a homemaker). He was however one of these goofs who didn’t watch football cuz of the anthem last season. I fucked with him about it every weekend until the Super Bowl when he finally said “fuck it, I wanna see Tom Brady loose”. Knew he’d come back.... y’all always come back. Lol
I'm cool with most people on my block. But I don't go too far passed being cordial or a little casual conversation. Usually keep to ourselves...
I don't speak to my neighbors... ever since there was a string of break ins and they was trying insinuate I was behind them, I was like fuck my neighbors
Dunno my neighbors. Just moved in my house 2 months ago.


The neighbor on left is renting the house. I couldn't tell you who all officially lives in that house. All I know is they got 5 cars...with either 1 or 2 not working. See them here & there. One of the guys I be hearing working on one of the cars. Saw he was gettin it towed today.

Neighbor on my right not too bad. Although a day after we moved in, 2 cop cars and a EMS utility truck rolled up at their house. Lady come out talmbout "She don't need to go to jail. She just need to go to a mental hospital"...


Yall...me and the guy installing our cable had this "Da hell??" look. Lol. Apparently the lady is taking care of her sister who has mental issues. So the sis had an episode talmbout killin herself. Cops when inside to talk to her and calm her down.

After about 5mins...they came out and everyone left. I'm standing at my door like "What in the hell did I just get myself into??" Fortunately I haven't heard or seen them having any more issues.

I ended up puttin up a privacy fence. Damn that. Lol
I live in jersey so no
I say hello to the little old lady across from me and wassup in passing to everyone else

There is shit about me that stand out so people be knowing who i am which i find disturbing but it's whatever

I'm always amazed how friendly southerners are compared to these rude muhfuckas up here
I dont know my neighbors.I live in a condo though, but the dude across the hall is the only one ive ever spoken to. My Roommate saw him beating his dog in the parking lot and called animal control on him. Then randomly im leaving for work and he comes out of his condo and starts with "Dude! Someone called animal control on me, can you believe that shit?!" Was just an odd way to begin a conversation, especially with someone you dont know.

One time, like 1 AM, I pull up in my parking spot and get out, start heading to the stairs. I see him on one set of stairs and he sees me. He goes "Dude!! Are you ok?"

I just stop and look at him like "....yeah.. Im just getting home.."

Then he goes on this long story of how he was cleaning his gun and it went off so hes trying to connect with all the neighbors to make sure they're ok.

All the other neighbors I just havent seen besides getting in and out of cars in the mornings or night.

This was presented to you by "Random white ppl stories" by Lou lol