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Added to Calendar: 06-16-24

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Wow, taking lands because you don't agree with their choices. This what you want the starks to become like, Nazis

he broke faith with the NAWF more than once.

He didnt come to our aid for the battle of the bastards and claimed he'd regret it til his dying day.


Then right before the dead came that nigga fucked off back to the Wolfswood to wait it out instead of fighting on the side of the living.

Look at the niggas you defend
he swore to his mother he would go there as a messenger and a messenger only.. not a warrior.

some houses take their oaths and their word seriously.

you wouldnt know nothin about that tho
He would have only taken a beating instead of what ended up happening
Jon Snow got mopped by the night king, he got mopped by Ramsey Bolton and had to be saved by Littlefinger and the Eyrie, his own men stabbed him to death so can we stop with the fabrication that Jon Snow saved anything.
Jon Snow got mopped by the night king, he got mopped by Ramsey Bolton and had to be saved by Littlefinger and the Eyrie, his own men stabbed him to death so can we stop with the fabrication that Jon Snow saved anything.

Wasn't it Snow that warned the houses about the NK? Jon may not have been the 1 to kill the NK (even though I'm sure he's the hero in the books when they're all done) but if he didn't let mfs know the 7 kingdoms would be ice right now.
Jon Snow got mopped by the night king, he got mopped by Ramsey Bolton and had to be saved by Littlefinger and the Eyrie, his own men stabbed him to death so can we stop with the fabrication that Jon Snow saved anything.

First of all those who stabbed him were short sighted traitors. Of course he was outnumbered by Ramsay but he became King in the North. Night King was killed by a 13 year girl. Sansa saved Jon Littlefinger wasn’t doing shit.
maaaaan FUCK house glover that nigga Robett is a coward who refused the call twice.
I hope if we ever get a show that takes place after the OG thrones we find out that Sansa took his head and gives his lands and titles to someone more deserving and loyal to the NAWF

Definitely would have took all their lands and gave it to Meera Reed or Tormund or something. But Jon be on that nice unity shit.
Jon Snow got mopped by the night king, he got mopped by Ramsey Bolton and had to be saved by Littlefinger and the Eyrie, his own men stabbed him to death so can we stop with the fabrication that Jon Snow saved anything.
He would have had to have a 1 on 1 with the Night King to get mopped. The Night King had to keep ressurrecting people to avoid Jon

Jon Snow vs Ramsay Bolton

Dude had Ramsay wanting to take his first deal of 1 on 1 combat when he came through that gate

His own men stabbed him to death because they were traitors. You saw what happened to them right?

Where is this "mopping" you referred to brother B?