Shaquille Sunflower
Naji Ramba
Damn it’s out? Smh
I didn't finish the first episode. I fell asleep lol. I'm finishing it now and it's ok. She ain't did nothing cold yet but I'm sure we'll get there.Was the first episode any good?
I fell asleep several times but i'm trying to get through it at some point...
everyone on this show is a piece of shit lol
Literally no one to root for. The one person you could have maybe rooted for they skipped over their plot point.
I'm almost done watching the season got the final episode to watch.
This season felt rushed especially due to the controversy w/Kevin Spacey could have added an extra 2 or 3 episodes.
It felt like they were going to kill him off regardless but it would have been more fleshed out. Too bad he's a gay predator.
I was never going to vibe with Claire bring President. I don't respect it at all. Kinda ruined the show for me.
When did Doug become the person I want to win, I'm on episode 7 and I want him to take down Claire.
I started off like "fuck Doug Stan ass too" but when I found out he got everything in the will and all this bitch broke him off was some cufflinks I was like "he gotta kill her." That was some foul shit.
Then they saved Durrant and abandoned the character completely. Might as well have just let us keep thinking she died.