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House committee debates - H.R. 7910, the “Protecting Our Kids Act” raise the age to purchase a semi automatic to 21, and ban new large capacity mags

It was hard to hear because they were all talking over one another, but the point was raised: When the Black Panther Party exercised their right to open carry on the steps of the state capital in Sacramento as a demonstration, it took no time at all before open carry was banned in California by white folks.

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Yeah the Mulford Act
“At the time both Republicans and Democrats in California supported increased gun control, as did the National Rifle Association of America.”
This is all politicians doing what they do. They know making something illegal doesn't stop ppl from doing it. Any reasonable person knows this.

Banning guns, certain types of guns or mags won't do shit. We're talking about ppl who go on killing sprees as if that ain't illegal as fuck.

This is why they don't rely on "gun control" to keep themselves and their families safe. They rely on well trained men with guns and have guns themselves whether rep or dem them muthafuckas got guns. To give our right to protect ourselves and our families while having a gov that fucks us over and a law enforcement dept that now everyone is seeing doesn't do shit but kill unarmed black ppl is insane.

Protect the buildings our kids are in first and foremost. There's plenty men and women highly trained that protect them pieces of shit politicians everyday, put ppl like them in and around our schools too, not just rich ppl and politicians. Vet better teachers and pay them more money so our kids and can learn better while at it.
People saying this won't do anything as if the last few mass shooters didn't go through legal channels to get their weapons.

No these reforms probably won't stop all mass shootings, but it could make it more difficult for the next person to perform one and that makes the bill worth it. They should have had red flag laws in the bill too. A dude shouldn't be able to publicly say he's going to perform a mass shooting on multiple occasions and then be able to go buy the mass shooter's weapon of choice.
YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I'm kinda late to the party; don't rub it in.

Aint no shame fam. What you got in mind? My latest ar is a DDM4 and its smooth as shit. Been taking that to the range more than my M&P sport II (which is a very solid joint).

Might have to take this over to the gun thread lol
People saying this won't do anything as if the last few mass shooters didn't go through legal channels to get their weapons.

No these reforms probably won't stop all mass shootings, but it could make it more difficult for the next person to perform one and that makes the bill worth it. They should have had red flag laws in the bill too. A dude shouldn't be able to publicly say he's going to perform a mass shooting on multiple occasions and then be able to go buy the mass shooter's weapon of choice.
Normal people don't go and buy a gun for the purpose of mass shootings. Maybe it's time to look at the root cause and try to fix that? It wouldn't be going up against an actual amendment either so it likely wouldn't get any pushback from a political side
Aint no shame fam. What you got in mind? My latest ar is a DDM4 and its smooth as shit. Been taking that to the range more than my M&P sport II (which is a very solid joint).

Might have to take this over to the gun thread lol

Right now just looking for something inexpensive in either 556 or 300 Blackout. I was thinking fo doing a build, and the spot I normally buy shit from has a 300BLK pistol kit, but they won't sell a lower to me 'cause of my out of state license (it could be used to build a pistol). They got a joint with a 16" barrel on the wall for something like 600-650, upper and lower pic rails and mlok on the sides. Basic AR that runs 556 (he did show me one cheaper that only runs 223). I got one more place to look to see if I can squeeze them pennies a bit more.
Normal people don't go and buy a gun for the purpose of mass shootings. Maybe it's time to look at the root cause and try to fix that? It wouldn't be going up against an actual amendment either so it likely wouldn't get any pushback from a political side

People have to stop this. Yes, it's 100% true that guns are not the root cause for the problems that lead to gun violence. No one is suggesting that enacting stricter gun laws will solve all of America's problems. The point being made is that even with all those problems in place, you can't have mass shootings if you don't have guns available to the shooters. Just look at this shit:


That's a crazy disparity. You don't think there are bullied and disenfranchised kids in the UK? You don't think there are mentally ill people in Finland? You don't think Germany has pissed off right wingers that want to cause havoc? Yet, none of those countries have even a tenth or in many cases a hundredth of the shootings we do. Why not? It's not possible for any asshole with a grievance to walk over to the local gun store in the morning and be shooting little kids by the afternoon.
People have to stop this. Yes, it's 100% true that guns are not the root cause for the problems that lead to gun violence. No one is suggesting that enacting stricter gun laws will solve all of America's problems. The point being made is that even with all those problems in place, you can't have mass shootings if you don't have guns available to the shooters. Just look at this shit:


That's a crazy disparity. You don't think there are bullied and disenfranchised kids in the UK? You don't think there are mentally ill people in Finland? You don't think Germany has pissed off right wingers that want to cause havoc? Yet, none of those countries have even a tenth or in many cases a hundredth of the shootings we do. Why not? It's not possible for any asshole with a grievance to walk over to the local gun store in the morning and be shooting little kids by the afternoon.
People have to stop ignoring it. Why go after the device being used to commit the atrocities instead of trying to fix why it's happening to begin with? You'll get no pushback from the 2nd amendment people and will likely even get help from all sides. It's like why go after the hardest challenge instead of looking into the easier one
People have to stop ignoring it. Why go after the device being used to commit the atrocities instead of trying to fix why it's happening to begin with? You'll get no pushback from the 2nd amendment people and will likely even get help from all sides. It's like why go after the hardest challenge instead of looking into the easier one

lol You think fixing mental health or socio-economic problems in America is easier than passing common sense gun legislation? Cause those two things are probably 90% of the cause of all gun violence in this country.

Nobody is saying that we should put all our eggs in the gun control basket and ignore everything else. We are saying that their are common sense gun control measures that we could enact right now that might reduce the likelihood or success of these mass shootings while we work on solving the root causes.
lol You think fixing mental health or socio-economic problems in America is easier than passing common sense gun legislation? Cause those two things are probably 90% of the cause of all gun violence in this country.

Nobody is saying that we should put all our eggs in the gun control basket and ignore everything else. We are saying that their are common sense gun control measures that we could enact right now that might reduce the likelihood or success of these mass shootings while we work on solving the root causes.
Even the catchy phase common sense gun laws mentions that something is wrong with those people that should be looked into. Do I think it'll be easier than fighting the 2nd amendment? Yes. What side will push back?
Even the catchy phase common sense gun laws mentions that something is wrong with those people that should be looked into. Do I think it'll be easier than fighting the 2nd amendment? Yes. What side will push back?

lol The common sense refers to the nature of the laws not the people. Common sense gun laws basically just mean the shit that polls already show most reasonable people can agree to.

And people push back against mental health and economic bills all the time. Do you not remember how hard the right fought against a $15 minimum wage? That's only the tip of the iceberg as far as what needs to be done to fix the lives of impoverished people in this country.