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Homophobia in the black community, or gay agenda? The effeminization debate

I see you're very invested in this topic and that you identify as both. I understand your defensiveness and passion with a topic like this.

Phobia means fear and in any other context except for this one apparently it's expressed as the fear of something. Being that that's an inaccurate word would that be considered as irrational?

You saying that we don't look at gays as human beings is irrational.

All I was saying is at the end of the day no human being is afraid of homosexuals or of turning gay like it has been suggested in this thread. As a straight man, the thought of or the sight of male on male anything is extremely disgusting. The vast majority of straight males are naturally disgusted by male on male anything. It is what it is. Now I find that women for the most part don't fully grasp this concept because women are naturally attracted to other women. Maybe not sexually but there is an attraction. Women naturally recognize the beauty of other women. Men on the other hand don't process beauty or attractiveness towards the same sex unless they're gay. So when a man says he's attracted to other men most women shrug their shoulder like what's the big deal because naturally a woman knows what it's like to find another woman attractive even if it's not a sexual attraction.

At the end of the day male on male homosexuality should not be "normalized" because it's not "normal" and we should't lie to ourselves and act like it is. For a male to be gay means that something went wrong either in the womb where his brain was rewired for some reason like a defect (being born with a disease) or from being sexually abused as a child and that abuse usually came from another male. For a male being gay is the result of something going wrong.

Also BLACK PEOPLE HAVE NO BUSINESS SUPPORTING THE TRANS MOVEMENT. We have no business lying to ourselves or participating in someone else's lie. Your DNA is your DNA. If I feel like a bird it doesn't make me a bird and if I try to jump off of something high the reality of the situation will take over immediately as I crash to the ground.

Why should we not support each other's lies? Because as you know everything is connected like a body. If everything is connected like a body then that means everything has a role to play, and whatever is connected to me is dependent of me playing my position in this body of Life. Being that everything is connected, if one of my body parts is in "denial" of itself meaning if the liver doesn't want to be a liver or doesn't "feel" like it really is a liver and is pretending to be another body part what do you think is going to happen to the entire body? It will get sick and begin to die until the body parts function the way it was designed to function. If the organs/cells/parts of the body fail to play their position the whole body dies.

I'm sorry but this shit has me dying laughing. I lack the mental fortitude to unpack all of this bullshit lmaooooo
I love you @NeighborhoodNomad but my brain is literally burning after reading that shit.

The mental gymnastics you had to go through to type that shit is astounding btw
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Can you elaborate, in practical terms, on how trans people will bring about the collapse of society?

More practical than I just explained? Sure.

Because lies or non truths are the source of all problems we face besides natural disasters. Think of one problem on this planet that doesn't originate from being outside of the truth of a situation. War, conflict, disease, hatred, envy, ignorance, religion, atheism, agnosticism, politics, bad relationships, racism, getting on the boat, murder, false self image, selfishness, greed, theft, pollution, shady deals, colonization, etc. ALL result from a lie or from being outside of truth or the natural order/universal laws that govern all things in our existence. Every single one. We continue to pay the consequences for being out of alignment with that which is.

All non truths brings about the collapse in society. Human beings adhering to non truths on any level like listed above are all adding to the degradation of the entire planet not just society.

Truth or the acceptance and application of that which is, is the solution to all things.

I'm not helping anyone by calling a man in a dress a woman. I'm actually hurting him by being an enabler to his lie. If someone is in denial of self, we should not support or enable their lie for any reason.

Rachel Dolezal feels like a Black woman on the inside right? She identifies as a Black woman even though both of her parents are white. Is she a Black woman now because she feels like it? Where do we draw the line?

Now ask yourself the same question you asked me earlier. How will enabling lies not lead to the collapse of society?

As Black people we've been believing lies about ourself since we got here and look at what it did and what it's doing to us. We believed we were everything white people said about us and we lived their lie to our detriment. When we applied those false images of us to ourself we started to self destruct.

Lies or non truths are the source to ALL problems we face in society outside of natural disaster.

I hope that was practical enough for you. And if I said anything impractical speak on it.
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More practical than I just explained? Sure.

Because lies or non truths are the source of all problems we face besides natural disasters. Think of one problem on this planet that doesn't originate from being outside of the truth of a situation. War, conflict, disease, hatred, envy, ignorance, religion, atheism, agnosticism, politics, bad relationships, racism, getting on the boat, murder, false self image, selfishness, greed, theft, pollution, shady deals, colonization etc ALL result from a lie or from being outside of truth or the natural order/universal laws that govern all things in our existence. Every single one. We continue to pay the consequences for being out of alignment with that which is.

All non truths brings about the collapse in society. Human beings adhering to non truths on any level like listed above are all adding to the degradation of the entire planet not just society.

Truth or the acceptance and application of that which is, is the solution to all things.

I'm not helping anyone by calling a man in a dress a woman. I'm actually hurting him by being an enabler to his lie. If someone is in denial of self, we should not support or enable their lie for any reason.

Rachel Dolezal feels like a Black woman on the inside right? She identifies as a Black woman even though both of her parents are white. Is she a Black woman now because she feels like it? Where do we draw the line?

Now ask yourself the same question you asked me earlier. How will enabling lies not lead to the collapse of society?

As Black people we've been believing lies about ourself since we got here and look at what it did and what it's doing to us. We believed we were everything white people said about us and we lived their lie to our detriment. When we applied those false images of us to ourself we started to self destruct.

Lies or non truths are source to ALL problems we face in society outside of natural disaster.

I hope that was practical enough for you. And if I said anything impractical speak on it.

Enabling what you consider lies doesn't lead to the collapse of society. Infringing on other people's freedom does. Colonialism, theft, pollution, shady deals and so on and so forth. The common thread is compromised freedom. Those all involve matters which impact on the wellbeing, safety and interests of other people. Identity is one of few things that's sovereign to the individual. That changes when in cases like Rachel Dolezal's, they take advantage of shared identity for profit and such. Unless transwomen start taking positions designated for cisgender women or something along those lines, their identity isn't harming anyone.

By practical, I meant getting into the mechanics of how people's gender or sexual identity would lead to the collapse of society. Not further analogies. In any case, thanks for elaborating. I can see your mind is made up, as is mine, n there's no gain in us debating set views.
I ain't gonna lie.... Y'all lost me me minute ago....

But Yea...... That shit gets deep

I feel like nomad was essentially saying,, while we straight black men will offer support and understanding,, it ain't some simple thing like it's second nature....

Dude basically expounded on what goes on in a man's head when confronted with gay society.... Y'all wanna know why it's such a big deal.... Dude explained....

It's deep.... Cuz he may feel that way, yet still has to operate in a society that will all but villainize him if he doesn't express an overcompensation of super duper support into something that will literally make him gag because in his nature this is something that is repulsive.

With out any bias, men are meant to breed with women. That's what attraction and sex is designed for.

It's tough to get people to fully embrace that, and a little understanding would go a long way
Oh, and did y'all peep the black power ranger??

I ain't saying he gotta be a thug, but did he have to be that un threatening???

Like why the extreme?? They couldn't find a middle ground? Even billy in the show wasn't that soft.

That's why I liked chronicle..

Dude might have been a jock, but he still had a heart.... He wasn't stereotypically thuggish or this new token safe harmless black they producing lately
I ain't gonna lie.... Y'all lost me me minute ago....

But Yea...... That shit gets deep

I feel like nomad was essentially saying,, while we straight black men will offer support and understanding,, it ain't some simple thing like it's second nature....

Dude basically expounded on what goes on in a man's head when confronted with gay society.... Y'all wanna know why it's such a big deal.... Dude explained....

It's deep.... Cuz he may feel that way, yet still has to operate in a society that will all but villainize him if he doesn't express an overcompensation of super duper support into something that will literally make him gag because in his nature this is something that is repulsive.

With out any bias, men are meant to breed with women. That's what attraction and sex is designed for.

It's tough to get people to fully embrace that, and a little understanding would go a long way

Oh, and did y'all peep the black power ranger??

I ain't saying he gotta be a thug, but did he have to be that un threatening???

Like why the extreme?? They couldn't find a middle ground? Even billy in the show wasn't that soft.

That's why I liked chronicle..

Dude might have been a jock, but he still had a heart.... He wasn't stereotypically thuggish or this new token safe harmless black they producing lately

With out any bias, men are meant to breed with women. That's what attraction and sex is designed for.
we got ppl who dislike kids n never plan on having em. we got contraceptives to decide when n even if u wanna breed. contraceptives used to be seen as perversions 0f nature.

ppl do shit that goes against our biology all the time. slowly, those choices become accepted.

tolerance isnt understanding every single thing. its accepting that the shit u disagree with has just as much a right to exist.
Are we so soft that seeing shit we dont agree with can fuck our life up. Why gag when you see it?
Bruh, man on man sex is disgusting to me.

I don't know how else to describe that.

It's 100% not my Business. So I prefer not to think about it. But this is what gay is. And as a progressive adult,, I have to be comfortable with images reminding me of it in essentially everything.

This may be an easy and effortless transition for some. And well done Bruh. I applaud you.

But it just ain't as easy as that for everybody else. It just is what it is.

It ain't like we ain't trying. I'm just saying, the shit gets out of hand some times, ... and don't act like it don't
we got ppl who dislike kids n never plan on having em. we got contraceptives to decide when n even u wanna breed. contraceptives used to be seen as perversions 0f nature.

ppl do shit that goes against our biology all the time. slowly, those choices become accepted.

tolerance isnt understanding every single thing. its accepting that the shit u disagree with has just as much a right to exist.
No one is denying it's right to exist, just expressing how unreasonable it is for us to be giddy and excited about it.....

All and out, many of us would prefer if it wasn't a thing. I don't deem gay necessary. In an ideal world to me,, this would be as simple as man likes woman. Woman likes man. I don't think it's hateful to say I wish everybody was just straight, but i understand that many people identify their sexuality to their very being. It's who they are.... I know I do,, which is why I'm so defensive about maintaining it,,

However I am understanding enough to accept and live with alternative lifestyles in others....

Just don't expect me to share the same enthusiasms with it as something I truly love and enjoy.
I just saw this article a few minutes ago and thought it was worth sharing. It may be deserving of it's own thread tho.


(CNN) — When we look at black men, what is and what we see are often different things. Namely, we may see black men as bigger, stronger, and scarier than white men, even if they are the same size.

In a new body of research published by the American Psychological Association, 950 online participants from the US were asked to rate black and white men based on their weight, height, strength and build.

"We found that these estimates were consistently biased. Participants judged the black men to be larger, stronger and more muscular than the white men, even though they were actually the same size," said the study's lead author, John Paul Wilson, of Montclair State University.

The findings got even more ominous from there. Not only did participants distort the size of the men, they also identified the black men as, essentially, more of a threat deserving of force.

"Participants also believed that the black men were more capable of causing harm in a hypothetical altercation and, troublingly, that police would be more justified in using force to subdue them, even if the men were unarmed," Wilson said.

Skin tone and facial variations made a difference

There were more fascinating and concerning patterns in the study's findings:

Both white and black participants overestimated the size and strength of black men, but black participants did not label them as more dangerous or likely to deserve police force during an altercation

Black men with darker skin and more pronounced "black" facial features (wide nose, large lips, etc) were subject to more distortion. "We found that men with darker skin and more stereotypically black facial features tended to be most likely to elicit biased size perceptions, even though they were actually no larger than men with lighter skin and less stereotypical facial features," Wilson said .

Results have unnerving implications

It's not hard to see where these results could be applied -- the size and perceived strength of black victims of violence has figured into many prominent cases, including the 2014 shooting of Michael Brown and the 2014 shooting of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, who was characterized as "menacing."

To that last point, this study's findings also parallel a similar study published in the APA in 2014 that found people view black boys as older and less innocent than white boys.

The authors of this study say their findings could be used to further explore the role of stereotypes in social behavior and the application of police force.

None of this is really news to us but it goes with what Du was saying.
Most gay men blend with straight men. Many gay men are just as masculine and deemed threatening as u r. If a gay agenda existed, it couldn't be to effeminize you when most gay men aint even effeminate themselves. wouldn't they start there?
Most gay men blend with straight men. Many gay men are just as masculine and deemed threatening as u r. If a gay agenda existed, it couldn't be to effeminize you when most gay men aint even effeminate themselves. wouldn't they start there?
Man,, I was just outside talking to two gay co workers for the past 20 mins....

You say most,, but the two I just was outside with ain't included in that group....

They still the homies though...
Man,, I was just outside talking to two gay co workers for the past 20 mins....

You say most,, but the two I just was outside with ain't included in that group....

They still the homies though...
effeminate gay men are visible, that is why you notice them.
I just saw this article a few minutes ago and thought it was worth sharing. It may be deserving of it's own thread tho.


(CNN) — When we look at black men, what is and what we see are often different things. Namely, we may see black men as bigger, stronger, and scarier than white men, even if they are the same size.

In a new body of research published by the American Psychological Association, 950 online participants from the US were asked to rate black and white men based on their weight, height, strength and build.

"We found that these estimates were consistently biased. Participants judged the black men to be larger, stronger and more muscular than the white men, even though they were actually the same size," said the study's lead author, John Paul Wilson, of Montclair State University.

The findings got even more ominous from there. Not only did participants distort the size of the men, they also identified the black men as, essentially, more of a threat deserving of force.

"Participants also believed that the black men were more capable of causing harm in a hypothetical altercation and, troublingly, that police would be more justified in using force to subdue them, even if the men were unarmed," Wilson said.

Skin tone and facial variations made a difference

There were more fascinating and concerning patterns in the study's findings:

Both white and black participants overestimated the size and strength of black men, but black participants did not label them as more dangerous or likely to deserve police force during an altercation

Black men with darker skin and more pronounced "black" facial features (wide nose, large lips, etc) were subject to more distortion. "We found that men with darker skin and more stereotypically black facial features tended to be most likely to elicit biased size perceptions, even though they were actually no larger than men with lighter skin and less stereotypical facial features," Wilson said .

Results have unnerving implications

It's not hard to see where these results could be applied -- the size and perceived strength of black victims of violence has figured into many prominent cases, including the 2014 shooting of Michael Brown and the 2014 shooting of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, who was characterized as "menacing."

To that last point, this study's findings also parallel a similar study published in the APA in 2014 that found people view black boys as older and less innocent than white boys.

The authors of this study say their findings could be used to further explore the role of stereotypes in social behavior and the application of police force.

None of this is really news to us but it goes with what Du was saying.
That's why the non threatening negro is so beloved.

It's like their infatuation with wild animals as pets... They want everything they deem vicious tamed and under their command...