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I wanted to them around and go finish the job because he was twitching around trying to walk it off for a while.

Hit him right in front my job
Lol..driving home and seen a squirrel. Figure it would dart at my car so I slower down and it didn't move. As I go to past it, I swear it ran straight for my tire. Didn't feel bad cause he went out like he wanted to.
Nah but I remember I was on the highway and saw a streak of blood. Shit looked like a horror movie. As I drove I seen organs, a torso and finally a head. It was a big ass deer.
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Several times.

I once chased a cat with my car.... But it got away
I killed my own kind a couple of years ago. I was driving through a neighborhood and a Chihuahua ran out in the middle of the street. I was sad as hell because I killed my own kind smh
I once hit a bird with my wife's car.... It was crazy

Cuz you know birds always fly away at the last possible second...... Even when you push the gas.... It's like how dope fiends never fall....

Well one fateful morning, me and the wife had to switch cars.... And I'm on the way to work, and decide to hit the alleys cuz her car was smaller and I could just zoom thru....

Well at the top of the hill I see some birds going to work on some food in the alley... So I just revves it.... Nobody moved...I got closer.... Closer... Closer.... Hit the gas again

feathers everywhere!!

Shit was like a watern balloon of feathers....I had to go to a car wash to get them all out....
Crazy cuz I saw a squirrel get hit today by a car...nigga looked like he was break dancing and then he just stopped...felt bad for a sec

On topic...a bird flew inside my passengers side window once when I was going under an under pass on tha highway...shit went fuckin bananas flapping all over tha front windshield...my nigga riding wit’ grabbed it but he then turned full bitching let tha nigga go again...I start swerving like crazy cuz tha muthafucka flapping everywhere...finally was able to pull over and let tha nigga out...we laughed about it after but while tha shit was happenin’...I wat not amused
A cat ran into my car last summer and then sprinted off into some bushes. I was only going 40 but I was blown away that he was fine enough to just run away
Last spring I ran over a groundhog backing out of my grandmother's driveway... I rolled over that bitch twice... I thought I slumped into a pothole... I got of my car and there it was

Also ran over a cat. . It was dark and it was running across the street.... I slowed down but not enough .. I wasn't about to swerve and get to accident to avoid a cat... My woman was with me and called me callous... My reaction....
