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Have U Ever Ran From A Fight?

Not run but I was going to break up a fight outside a club I was working at. Someone started shooting and I hit a 90° angle and went the other way.

Niggas was killing me the next day when I came in and they ran the cameras back.

Wild part was im pretty sure it was the owner of the club or one of his boys that did it. But they did it in a blindspot so even the police looked and couldn't see shit. I had to stop working there lmao. Those niggas were crazy.
Nah never did.

There was one time I should have though.

There was these older cats in high school that had beef with my boy. They caught us walking home and was like 10 deep.

They told me to dip cause their beef was with my homie. I was like fuck what yall talking bout, im ready to scrap.

Next thing I know im getting feet put on me from all directions. I couldnt even tell who was stomping me out at that point. Smmfh.
1. These bitches too old

2. Eww family dollar

3. The girl running ugly as helll

4. This embarrassing

1. the hood dont age

2. family d is always there for you when you dont wanna fw all them people at the grocery store just for sugar

3. so you think the attacker looked better?....i thought ol girl was kinda cute if you pause it right when she got her head knocked against the coca cola's

4. it was cringy....mainly because of the cameraMAN's commentary
I ran from a fight once that I can remember and it wasn't purely out of fear.

This is way way back in the day in williamsburg and me and my cousin were at this bar on the northside at like 3am and these two punk rockers asked us if we could get coke for them. Me being the druggie I was I was like sure but we gotta go to the southside and you gotta get us a bag. So we're walking and these two bozos get a 40.

We get to around s3rd street and one of these fucks decides to throw his empty 40 at a building - right at a stoop where people were chillin. Not a spilt second later we were surrounded by puerto ricans and bottles smashing all around our feet and shit.

At this point I'm fucking pissed and they already got one of those dudes on the ground just mashing him out by a parked car and I kinda wanted to join in but I knew me and my cousin were guilty by association so we tore the fuck outta there and left those other two clowns to their fate.

So at this point a chase ensues with half the block after us running up broadway and the other half serving up the wrath of Dios to those two dildos.

The thing is me and my cousin are both fast runners but this was 3am after a long night of drinking so this one dude starts gaining on me a little bit and I did the illest move I ever did in my life ... i spotted one of them heavy ass mesh garbage cans on the edge of the sidewalk up ahead and had to calculate just how heavy it might be based on the amount of garbage that was in it so I could tip it over without a) losing momentum and b) fucking up my balance and getting wrecked (we were running full-tilt boogie at this point). So I went for broke and hooked my fingers around the edge of the garbage can just as I ran by it, pulled it down just right so it tipped over behind me and a second later, before he could react to it, BAM! son went flying over that shit and hit the street so hard I was scared I killed him and then the other ones stopped to help his ass except for a few stragglers.

At this point we were like 3 blocks from my spot but I was getting gassed out and plus didn't want to lead them to the crib so I just said fuck it and stopped and caught my breath to get ready for whatever happened next and the 2 or 3 dudes that were still chasing did the exact same thing a block away. After we all caught our breath we went our separate ways and I lived to tell the tale.

But I had to stay paranoid at all times in that area for the next couple years.
In elementary school I dipped from exactly one fight. Nothing like in the video, it was on some "you and me, after school" shit and the word started spreading and when the time came me and my best friend just left school from another exit and hopped on the PS1 back at my crib, lol. It was over a girl. She was pretty much playing both of us, but the other kid didn't realize. It's crazy even back then I knew it wasn't worth it fighting over a female that basically wanted two kids to fight over her, lol. My only regret is I didn't take back my Super Mario 64, I bought her.
In elementary school I dipped from exactly one fight. Nothing like in the video, it was on some "you and me, after school" shit and the word started spreading and when the time came me and my best friend just left school from another exit and hopped on the PS1 back at my crib, lol. It was over a girl. She was pretty much playing both of us, but the other kid didn't realize. It's crazy even back then I knew it wasn't worth it fighting over a female that basically wanted two kids to fight over her, lol. My only regret is I didn't take back my Super Mario 64, I bought her.

Damn you was simping early.

I bought a chick a lil necklace in grade 8 but I snatched that shit back on our grad trip to Canada's Wonderland when she said she wanted to break up when school finished the next week. She wanted to schedule that shit. The nerve.

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Ti got that shit from me.