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Has your house ever been broken into?

Lol I was really pissed cuz he lied in my face and he would always hook you up if you needed something. We had our fridge go out and he within an hr he bought a new fridge.

He the type to do all this good shit to soften you up so he can get you for your shit later

that's a classic sociopathic trait.

I got my nice $50 watch stolen out the locker room when freshman year.

17 years later im still looking for the mfer that took it.
My son had his iPhone stolen. They were naive enough to turn it on a day or two later. Got in touch with the cops and he rolled through they spot to get it.

He called me while he was at their house. It was a black grandmother raising like 5 grand kids, all boys. One of them stole it.

He was black so he had sympathy for her. He left it up to me what to do. I told him just bring the phone back and drop it. Wasn’t about to put her through that.
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Pops had the cal on him, so one unauthorized ever came in the house.

Someone did break into the barber shop he built in the garage, and robbed one of the barbers one day with a 12-gauge. Shit was fucked up. They robbed him and his lady when he was holding her toddler kid.

Muhfuckas was mega on-point bout that shit afterwards.
Never had anyone break into my house. Having someone break into my house though is one of my greatest fears since I have kids. If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be so worried about it.
Yup was about 20-21, literally walking out the job goign to the parking lot, moms called me crying and sobbing like the house got robbed. Im jetting the highway and streets trying to get home.(I have never heard my mom crying like that). Get home that shit was ransacked, mattresses flipped over, clothes all over the place. Faggotts got my gun PS3/games/ clothes jewellery and pretty much the same for my mom. Shit sucks cause my mom was scared to come home by herself for a long time(she got home before me)
A nigga did break into my dorm room on
In college. I had copped one of these from Hudsons


You could hear/feel the bass from that shit all the way to the other end of the floor. The last day of school niggas came into my room through the suite next door and stole it. Left the NES, the color TV, the Atari ST computer, and all my other shit: They took the boombox.

I figured out who did it too: My suite mates definitely did it. Some east side niggas always schemin' on something, but we all used to run together so I never thought they'd turn on me like that.

Damn, I forgot about niggas stealing shit out my dorm room during Xmas break back in college.

I’m mad all over again now.
A nigga did break into my dorm room on

Damn, I forgot about niggas stealing shit out my dorm room during Xmas break back in college.

I’m mad all over again now.

Bruh, I was HEATED over that shit. I paid $300 for that boombox on my Hudson's credit card. That was back when Sony's "MegaBass" really meant something. I wanted that shit back at the crib with me to round out my bedroom. The fucked up thing about it was the week before it happened, I was ready to pack up all my major shit and take it home for the summer, leaving only my TV in my room but I decided not to.

I never want to run into any of them niggas 'cause I know I'mma say something about it even though it's been 30 years.
I remember one day this nigga who was kinda cool, but also a bitch at times would bring his PS2 over to the homies basement when niggaz would just smoke weed and chill down there all day running in and out for whatever.

I used to hack back then, like niggaz round the way would call me for rides n shit. Like a ghetto ass Uber or taxi. I did that shit a lot back then... Money would stack up kinda quick if you stayed busy...

Any way, I get back to the basement, and the PS2 gone.... I'm like,🤷🏿‍♂️ wtf??

I never got my turn...... They like, man that nigga said he had to drive his grandmother down town
... He bring it back later....

I'm like.....

So nobody in his house right now????
My sis called me one day in a panic over what she thought was someone trying to enter our unlocked front door when I was away. Luckily my angry asf Doberman was there.. barked and growled her head off til the dude backed off. Who knows what coulda happened that day were it not for her. I wasn't there to witness the events but I'll always consider my dog (RIP) a hero.
When I was little, they ONLY stole my brand new SNES!!!
I'm still mad at this and it over 30 years ago