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Aww you in your feelings cause you can't speak/write properly

Nope not at all. Just want the bitch In you to know. Everytime you weasel around here fixing to reply to me, my direct order is for you to choke on a dick.
Nope not at all. Just want the bitch In you to know. Everytime you weasel around here fixing to reply to me, my direct order is for you to choke on a dick.
Uh huh lol. You should directly order yourself to a barbershop to fix that hairline of yours
After watching the spoiler review this actually sound pretty good. It's a feminist roar rally but that's cool. I shall support this on Terrarium
Ehh it was good not great. Started out great but went real stupid with the whole Dr thing(won't spoiler it). That whole switch was dumb as hell and not needed. Besides that foolishness it was pretty good. Nothing in this movie was ground breaking though same ol same ol.

Can't believe they're making a sequel to this though. Laurie was stupid she should've empty the clip in that nigga when he was in the cellar all in his head to make sure he was done. Also tbh Mike wasn't even after Laurie the whole movie. The Dr made that a thing then they crossed paths. Also Mike was killing random pwoppe this movie even killed a kid homie was a straight gangsta in this lol. Laurie's daughter playing scared till the very end was great wasn't expecting that. Mike living was some bullshit whole damn house on fire and the nigga in a unbreakable cage but yeah ok. Heard they're going to play it off in the sequel that he got in the gun locker and that's how he survived smh. Also Mike is 61yrs old homie got shot multiple times, ran over by a car and burned alive but he still lives? Come on b
Just got back from it thought the simplistic approach made it work. It was solid and way better than them Rob Zombie shits
I liked it. Best one since 4 imo. Not perfect but league above H20 but like H20 it had some terrible attempts at comedy. Not one of those jokes except for the lil kid with the sitter even connected with me let alone the rest of the audience.
Ehh it was good not great. Started out great but went real stupid with the whole Dr thing(won't spoiler it). That whole switch was dumb as hell and not needed. Besides that foolishness it was pretty good. Nothing in this movie was ground breaking though same ol same ol.

Can't believe they're making a sequel to this though. Laurie was stupid she should've empty the clip in that nigga when he was in the cellar all in his head to make sure he was done. Also tbh Mike wasn't even after Laurie the whole movie. The Dr made that a thing then they crossed paths. Also Mike was killing random pwoppe this movie even killed a kid homie was a straight gangsta in this lol. Laurie's daughter playing scared till the very end was great wasn't expecting that. Mike living was some bullshit whole damn house on fire and the nigga in a unbreakable cage but yeah ok. Heard they're going to play it off in the sequel that he got in the gun locker and that's how he survived smh. Also Mike is 61yrs old homie got shot multiple times, ran over by a car and burned alive but he still lives? Come on b

The plot twist was so stupid and transparent. Rolled my eyes so hard when it happened I lost a contact lens. To their credit I expected earlier than when it happened but once it happened it was like "oh god!"
I liked it. Best one since 4 imo. Not perfect but league above H20 but like H20 it had some terrible attempts at comedy. Not one of those jokes except for the lil kid with the sitter even connected with me let alone the rest of the audience.

Most of the comedy misses can be attributed to the dad character.
Yet "the only true sequel" had to swagger jack shit from all of the other sequels to even be valid. Funny that.
I think I agree with other reviews, it was the perfecr balance of the OG and Rob Zombies, not a perfect film by any means but it combined what was good about both well.
They need to kill Michael off maybe go to the Laurie's granddaughter as the next killer. Being at the end she gripped that big knife like she was either mad or possessed by the evil.

Another thing that about this movie that was weak. The writer's said Michael was notba supernatural being BUT homie got shot multiple times, ran over by a car, hand blown off, stabbed and burned alive. Yet he supposed to be back for the sequel that they've already got the script for and green light to shoot
Saw this with my fam. Dope. But my favorite is still H20. Shoulve ended it there but y'all know how Hollywood gets down