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H&M Black Kid In "Coolest Monkey" Ad

Is this racist?

  • Nah, it's....

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did yall know kids in Baltimore were sitting in classrooms with no heat for several weeks and schools had to close because of it ?

can we just spend a little more time on being outraged about things that matter?

no??? ard
I made my
I said can we focus a little bit more on things that matter. why did I feel like you would be the one to take it out of context


I made my phone calls soon as I got to my desk that day. I started not to leave him there, but it was literally his first day. They got the heat on now. So let's move in to the next subject.
why are you defending them calling us monkeys? nothing in response would retroactively justify it.
Not defending them, acting crazy like this is not going to have some of them look at us any different then they have been. Violence, tearing up stuff is not the answer.
Not defending them, acting crazy like this is not going to have some of them look at us any different then they have been. Violence, tearing up stuff is not the answer.
I obv agree that violence isn't the answer. saying "acting crazy like this is not going to have some of them look at us any different then they have been" is odd tho. who was tryna change the mind of racists and behave like good negros to get on their good books? racists will see you the way they see you. confirmation bias is real. you might not consciously be doing it, but you're defending their thought process by implying there is behavior that warrants racist thinking.
I understand ...I just hate for our people to act like this, what they call a “Caged Animal” and some of them just sitting back laughing like I told y’all how they act. We don’t have to take the abuse but there is other ways to fight it. I don’t believe a person was born racist, something they was taught and grew up in. Even if we change one racist person mind of thinking is good ... I like what you said in this post

that aint harming them out in corporate. this is just making life harder for the poor retail workers. if you wanna do direct action like that, go stand outside corporate HQ and chant or something.

Lets use our voices,march outside their corporate offices and hurt them in the pockets.
I dunno to be honest that is the only legit answer I can give

I feel blacks in 2018 think about this in 2018 being enslaved by white Arabs in Libya is racism, the KKK still existing in the deep South of America is racism , Arabs and Pakistanis honour killing their son or daughter because they marry or have a relationship with a person of black origin is racism

But don't get me wrong I can see why this H&M hoody would upset people but i'm not sure if the intentions are racist at all