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Too late for Warner Bros. to learn from Toho cause this was already made by the time Godzilla One came out
Even if they had time I still think they would’ve did this tbh lol

after the first Godzilla vs Kong I feel like the studio was like “we need to go bigger”

Typical huge Hollywood IP thing imo

I enjoyed the first one for the most part but I was aware how it could’ve been better

The hollow earth stuff I didn’t like and it seems like they expanding on this with more exploration and lore

now you gonna get a bunch of exposition by paperboi and co.

Maybe it’s me but I’m not trying to see Kong sit on a throne wearing a king’s robe and talk to his people like Morpheus did when he was at Zion

I’m putting sauce on it but you know what I mean lol
The only thing that would make me see this is I love seeing Godzilla in the movies as I’m big on sound and spectacle but all this other stuff idc for

Bet Kong gonna grab the other gorilla head and say “give me your face” like Optimus
I'm always surprised that I'm surprised this site is full of haters and naysayers

Reek Table is where imagination comes to die