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Girl Who Brags About Driving Drunk Kills Two State Troopers And A Civillian

I see the vitriol against drunk drivers, and I really can't dispute it. As someone who used to drive while intoxicated all the time, alcohol just affects some people differently. I don't think people always know when they've had too much to drive. Like I've never driven when I was wasted, but I've been in a situation where I blew over the limit but easily passed every physical test so the cops just let me go.

This chick seems different though. It seems like she knew she was compromised and still got behind the wheel and took pride in that. That's not exactly what I'm talking about. I don't really get this story though. It's hard for me to believe that some cops let someone they knew was fucked up go, especially a black chick. Even if they didn't want to hem her up too bad, there are other things they could have done.
I kinda agree with you that some people can handle it better, but from what I read on twitter she was speeding crazy, like 115 mph when she got pulled over, and then went back to speeding when she was let off. Driving that fast is dangerous even if you're sober, never mind drunk. if this was a case of her driving 60 in a 75 while drunk I could understand it a little more, but drunk driving at 115? and then when you get pulled over and let off with nothing more than a warning you don't go "phew that was close, better cool it for the rest of the drive home" you go back to driving like an idiot? nah that's like 3 different stupid decisions on top of each other.