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Gas prices in your area

Dude working at repair shop told me that no car made after 2010 actually NEEDS premium, but I just don’t see the point of trying to save a few dollars on something that could cost a lot more than that to resolve if he’s wrong.
Yea pretty much since the engine computers are able to adjust to the different fuel. I dont fault ya hesitation tho.
1) Cali prices are normal bc of the smog regulations. If ppl on the west buy e-cars those prices will decline dramatically. It’s all cause and effect

2) premium gas does give you a partial boost. I had a 2005 Altima at the time n I would gas the pacer up with 89 or 91 depending on the station. I felt the difference oppose to putting regular in. (Pause)
1) Cali prices are normal bc of the smog regulations. If ppl on the west buy e-cars those prices will decline dramatically. It’s all cause and effect

2) premium gas does give you a partial boost. I had a 2005 Altima at the time n I would gas the pacer up with 89 or 91 depending on the station. I felt the difference oppose to putting regular in. (Pause)
Theres no need for a pause man lmao
most of you niggas need to charge ya phone.

walking around with 13%



16% rn

$2.49 avg

im sure im paying whatevers on the high end, cuz I mainly do small mom and pop stations
What you drive? All I've ever heard and read is that premium is just a ploy and doesnt really give much added benefit for the prices.

IS 250

I heard that before too but I don’t have time to be experimenting w my shit

I feel you but shit I've been fine so far lol

Mustang. Just got it not too long ago so I havent filled premium yet but I'll do it next Time I'm taking a decent trip to see how well it performs. Its recommended but not required and I havent heard any engine knocks. All the research ive done said it's just a slight bump in hp and I would like alil better fuel economy.

Dude working at repair shop told me that no car made after 2010 actually NEEDS premium, but I just don’t see the point of trying to save a few dollars on something that could cost a lot more than that to resolve if he’s wrong.

@Lurk Rambis what model mustang you driving? Premium gas isn't a ploy lol. New engines are just so advanced that they will adjust timing(plus all the knock sensors help) if you put a lower octane gas in your car. If your car requires premium fuel it's best to use premium. By putting regular in your car you're 100% retarding the performance of your car.

I put 87 in my SRT one day by accident cause I was use to filling up my daily driver Mazda 4 banger. Hadn't drove the SRT in about a month so grabbed the 87 off habit. When I left my parents house later that day my car was running like shit and the first thing i thought about was the gas I had put in earlier that day. The good thing was i had only filled it half way so i was able to fill it with 93 to alleviate the issue.
@Lurk Rambis what model mustang you driving? Premium gas isn't a ploy lol. New engines are just so advanced that they will adjust timing(plus all the knock sensors help) if you put a lower octane gas in your car. If your car requires premium fuel it's best to use premium. By putting regular in your car you're 100% retarding the performance of your car.

I put 87 in my SRT one day by accident cause I was use to filling up my daily driver Mazda 4 banger. Hadn't drove the SRT in about a month so grabbed the 87 off habit. When I left my parents house later that day my car was running like shit and the first thing i thought about was the gas I had put in earlier that day. The good thing was i had only filled it half way so i was able to fill it with 93 to alleviate the issue.
5.0 jus got to miami from Charlotte off 87 but I'll prolly top off wit premium on way back.