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Gas prices in your area

Gas is like $4.30 and up here in LA. Some shell stations it’s even over 5 dollars.

Too fucking high. I miss living in ATL at times like these
most of you niggas need to charge ya phone.

walking around with 13%


Cali is to damn high y'all can have that state even though I love visiting

This thread is depressing lol I don’t know how everywhere she’s seems to be around 2 to 3 dollars and we’re at 4 and 5
Lol makes me feel better cause I swore I'm getting got in nc. Shit was just 2.00 few months ago.
What you drive? All I've ever heard and read is that premium is just a ploy and doesnt really give much added benefit for the prices.

IS 250

I heard that before too but I don’t have time to be experimenting w my shit
How long you been doing this and what you drive
Mustang. Just got it not too long ago so I havent filled premium yet but I'll do it next Time I'm taking a decent trip to see how well it performs. Its recommended but not required and I havent heard any engine knocks. All the research ive done said it's just a slight bump in hp and I would like alil better fuel economy.
Mustang. Just got it not too long ago so I havent filled premium yet but I'll do it next Time I'm taking a decent trip to see how well it performs. Its recommended but not required and I havent heard any engine knocks. All the research ive done said it's just a slight bump in hp and I would like alil better fuel economy.

Dude working at repair shop told me that no car made after 2010 actually NEEDS premium, but I just don’t see the point of trying to save a few dollars on something that could cost a lot more than that to resolve if he’s wrong.