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The fact she said "uncle" made it even disrespectful imo

It's like bruh I know u, sitcho ho ass down

I'd have put a foot in my niece's ass if she tells me to sit down.

Tf I look like

Bruh...BOTH feet if niece disrespected me like that! Lol!
House Stark *thru Sansa*
House Arryn *thru Robin*
House Baratheon *thru Gendry*
House Tully *thru Edmure and son*

4 house that went up against the Targs during Rob Rebellion all still standing

All the houses that sided with the Dragons, chilled or played the background are gone:
House Lannister *survived thru Tyrion*
House Martell
House Tarly *Surviver thru lil sam and unknown baby*
House Tyrell
House Frey

Bran one cold ass honky
He didn't have anything to do with the seasons post 5 and he wasn't writing the episodes either. In case GRRM died he told them how it ended just in case. You dumbass.

So what does that have to do with him "Conveying" anything in season 6?

And since you so smart... He told them how he'd ideally end the story for Arya and some of the other character's to give them a baseline to work with. If he knew how it was going to end he'd write the shit. How could he have told them that was the end if jon doesn't even come back to life in the books?

Niggas just be saying anything.
There's no reason other than Sansas own self serving ends that the north should be independent. It wasn't while she was a kid and the reason Robb was made king in the north was coz the crown executed their liege lord. Everyone involved is dead and a Stark is on the thrown so why does she want the north to be independent?


Here's my question for everyone because I hear a lot of complaining but no solutions.

How would you have liked Game of Thrones to end ? What outcome were you originally expecting ??
My issue with the finale was the logic points that were missed in the first 20 mins. For one, we never got anything from Daenerys after she demolished KL. we don't know if she truly went batshit crazy or if it was a targeted "necessary evil" thing on some thanos shit. Then she gets killed 15 mins into the episode and the next thing we see is a time jump. Like realistically grey worm woulda walked in and seen jon and killed him on the spot. There would also be a huge power vacuum so what reckoning occurred in those few weeks or months between drogon carrying dany off and that meeting. If niggas scrapped or wanted to we needed to see that.

The lack of discussions about certain shit was also confusing. Like why was there never a conversation about why a night's watch is still even needed? Why have yara there if we get no resolution about the future of the iron islands and the iron fleet since Davos is master of ships? What was bran's plan for drogon? Matter fact why was bran even a thing...lol...but that's for another conversation..

Sansa becoming queen in the north and jon living beyond the wall were the only things that made complete sense to me. But once that ball was dropped from Daenerys' death, I completely lost interest in the rest of the episode.

I've never been one to go at writing cuz I know I couldn't do any better in their situation....but the shit was just not good and cant nobody tell me they charted all their options for this shit to wrap up and that's the best they came up with.
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Sure, but if they had chose Sansa to rule the 7 kingdoms instead of Bran, she never would have uttered a word about the North needing independence.

She never wanted to rule the 7 Kingdoms.

All she cared about was securing the North as a separate kingdom.

Having Bran as King was the perfect scenario for her because it secured her position in the North.

Basically, she knows there's a King on the throne who won't try to force the North to be a part of the 7 Kingdoms.
There's no reason other than Sansas own self serving ends that the north should be independent. It wasn't while she was a kid and the reason Robb was made king in the north was coz the crown executed their liege lord. Everyone involved is dead and a Stark is on the thrown so why does she want the north to be independent?
There's a crown because of the NAWF!

We gained our independance because the Nawf Remembers. Blood of the first men runs through the veins of every northerner and that fact alone is why we should be independent

We dont keep the same gods b, tread lightly
It's funny I used to clown niggas for watching this dungeon and dragon's rip off but I watched one episode and got hooked on this shit. Great show not the greatest show but a great this season was anticlimactic to me but it was a 2.5/5 for me this season.
It's funny I used to clown niggas for watching this dungeon and dragon's rip off but I watched one episode and got hooked on this shit. Great show not the greatest show but a great this season was anticlimactic to me but it was a 2.5/5 for me this season.

I rate it higher but I agree... I’m not a fan of this stuff either but it was entertaining, but as far as remembering every-fuckin-one and houses and shit nah... that’s too much lol
There's no reason other than Sansas own self serving ends that the north should be independent. It wasn't while she was a kid and the reason Robb was made king in the north was coz the crown executed their liege lord. Everyone involved is dead and a Stark is on the thrown so why does she want the north to be independent?

Well they dont want to pledge fealty to help the iron throne i guess after Bran dies. But it seemed dumb to me too. Like your brother is the King she dont need a seperate kingdom and really the north was damn near independent