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Cersei set this whole shit up if we're being real. Everything she did this season was to dare dany to go over the edge. Not sending her men to fight the dead, ambushing her at Dragonstone, killing rhaegal and missandei at the parlay and then bringing all the commoners into the town square or whatever to make sure that even if she managed to sack the city it would be grimy af....war is more psychological than it is physical. Cersei actually won if you think about it lol

Good point. Because literally the whole kingdom will not trust her again
Niggas only have granny Tyrell to blame for this madness lol

I wonder who gon read danys titles and give her the coronation lol.
Oh yea did yall notice dany called grey worm by his real name?

If she attacked early instead of the dumb shit it wouldve been cool and wouldve went better she judt waited till she lost everything and crazy
Cersei set this whole shit up if we're being real. Everything she did this season was to dare dany to go over the edge. Not sending her men to fight the dead, ambushing her at Dragonstone, killing rhaegal and missandei at the parlay and then bringing all the commoners into the town square or whatever to make sure that even if she managed to sack the city it would be grimy af....war is more psychological than it is physical. Cersei actually won if you think about it lol

No lie! When I was watching the show I said "Cersei won, whether she live or die." She said that she was going to make the commoners vulnerable for that very reason, to turn the kingdom against Dany. Cersei know what everyone else know, Targs got the crazy gene and Dany took the bait. Now she will have to kill everyone throughout the 7 kingdoms because word will spread and no one will want nor trust her.
Not really if I saw some of the strong reactions I ve seen to Dany s rampage

Yeah, you reached for that one. How long were you holding on to it?

For one...I haven't seen anyone talking about what she did but rather how she got to that point. That's where the bitching has been, at least here. That energy should probably go wherever else you been hanging out where you are seeing that.

An do try to pick an example of something that happened at least since our parents an go some of our grandparents were alive. If all the things to compare us not tripping on you pick something that was waaaaayyyyyyyyy before our momma's was even thought about...
The Golden Company got Martelled lol hype for nothin'

Jaime and the Hound both ended at the beginnin'. Neither of their endings for their characters developments. Hound finally made some friends and found a family but he died alone pretty much.

Dany lol the mad bitch and I been tellin' niggas Tyrion been trash for ages.

I'm not with the 'bad writing' stuff but seriously Jamie didn't think to take off his hand? He was captured by Locke before so they didn't even need to include an explanation
If I meet a person in real life and they make the bad taste in their mouth face and start complaining about GOT ,we can't be cool.
Funny to see ppls reactions to Dany s rampage on a fictional show....it’s not real lmao...

But we dropped 2 bombs on innocent Japanese niggas , to this day niggas is flying drones and killing all types of random innocent ppl

But let’s spend 2 days bitching bout a fictional rampage

We? Nigga I wasn't even born and no niggas had anything to do w/ that shit
next nigga mention Little finger getting shot

Dany is the main thing they got right this season. I have 0 complaints about how that went down.

I agree with this. It's kinda crazy actually. Like I said before, I think the problem this season was that everything was too rushed. We didn't get enough payoff for things like the Night King's defeat and the deaths of the Lannisters. It all seemed like it was crammed in place. However, that worked for Dany story because it really helped it to feel like she completely lost her shit. It was almost disturbing to watch her snap like that. Think about it. For 6 of the 8 seasons, Dany was basically a shining beacon. They built her up to be the hope that could help solve all of Westeros' problems. Last season, we kinda saw that she had a hard edge to her approach and a lack of understanding about Westeros that could lead to problems, but we were also given confidence that she had a team around her that could help her through. This season, in the span of 5 episodes, we've seen her slowly descend from her perch of righteousness and all have the expectation that she would do something bad, but I don't think anyone was expecting it to be that bad. I know I've been saying for the past few episodes that Dany might have to go, so I knew she was going to do something out of line. I was expecting her to take off and destroy the Red Keep and kill some innocents in the process. Her making a concerted effort to destroy the city and kill everyone in her path was next level fuckery. It's crazy. They basically took one of their most heroic characters over the course of the series and made her commit the greatest act of villainy in the entire series. That's a bold move.
Good point. Because literally the whole kingdom will not trust her again

No lie! When I was watching the show I said "Cersei won, whether she live or die." She said that she was going to make the commoners vulnerable for that very reason, to turn the kingdom against Dany. Cersei know what everyone else know, Targs got the crazy gene and Dany took the bait. Now she will have to kill everyone throughout the 7 kingdoms because word will spread and no one will want nor trust her.
The real ones picked up what I put down lol

But yea just like bronn told Tyrion and jaime he knew they sister was dead soon as he seen them dragons...lmao...Cersei did too. She knew she was on the clock soon as she took the crown. All she coulda hoped for was not looking the worst and she succeeded. She broke her opponent mentally and that's worse than whatever damage she could've ever done on the battlefield.
Cersei set this whole shit up if we're being real. Everything she did this season was to dare dany to go over the edge. Not sending her men to fight the dead, ambushing her at Dragonstone, killing rhaegal and missandei at the parlay and then bringing all the commoners into the town square or whatever to make sure that even if she managed to sack the city it would be grimy af....war is more psychological than it is physical. Cersei actually won if you think about it lol

While I agree she thought she could win because she is dumb.She thought she was gonna win until they had to ring the bells

Cersei like I said a few weeks ago is a dumb bitch and she's not sane and been crazy the whole series.

She didn't plan on dying.

The person alive really won.