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I ain't get that. She burning everybody and she ain't have to. She could have gone straight for the red keep and been done with it.

Like I've said before, they should've started her turn to madness sooner. They took a sharp ass left and barely keeping the car on the road.

She should have started going mad in Mereen. She should have burned all those slave masters and they ships and everything. Then Tyrion and Varys should have started expressing their concerns at that point. She could have gone mad at the end of last season, took Kings Landing in episode 1, then we could have had it out with Dany for a few eps.

Jon inherit Drogon somehow and they all fight the dead for the last couple of eps.

Plain & simple...she snapped. Had enough.

It wasn't 3 episodes ago niggas was asking for Violence , Niggas got one of theeee most Violent episodes in TV history

Now u got posters feeling sorry for the people of Kings Landing ??? lmaoooo

Niggas wanted Cersei to have a soldiers death ??? Lmaooo

Some of u niggas still think power deserves an oscar

Foh Siskel & ebert Ass niggas..

Dany showed the Fuck out tonight period.... When it's War time

"Let it be fear"
Dany finally got a good one-liner lol

How are danys soldiers happy about what happened tho. Like I can see them being hype about taking out enemy soldiers but tryna rape bitches in the middle of the street and riding around loppin commoners heads off is wild to me

Dothraki been on that rape shit,but Dany told them to chill with that shit.

Unsullied can't rape anybody.......

I think that was a northerner who tried that and he tried Jon and got killed for that shit.IDK what dude was thinking?

When Jon the king of the north says stop,you stop.
Goddamn she lit that shit tf up. I was hoping she burned it down but not like that....

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Yeah Gabs.... This want just a questionable decision like those other callouts you made. This was murder and it was deplorable and inexcusable. She deserves all the get back she about to get ..

But if Jon smart, he gone knock that out one mo gin... Y'all know about crazy! Lol
Did anybody else watch with captions on? When Arya was getting trampled then joints come talking about, "Nora: Here, take my hand."

Who the hell is Nora?? Where she been?? How she get a name???
I ain't get that. She burning everybody and she ain't have to. She could have gone straight for the red keep and been done with it.

Like I've said before, they should've started her turn to madness sooner. They took a sharp ass left and barely keeping the car on the road.

She should have started going mad in Mereen. She should have burned all those slave masters and they ships and everything. Then Tyrion and Varys should have started expressing their concerns at that point. She could have gone mad at the end of last season, took Kings Landing in episode 1, then we could have had it out with Dany for a few eps.

Jon inherit Drogon somehow and they all fight the dead for the last couple of eps.

I disagree on Dany... if you go back to season one there was a ton of foreshadowing to this very moment from then on...

Also, crazy isn't always a slow crawl... Some time folk snap
And why did she take Jamie? Even going mad queen, that felt out of character for Dany. She's not been the type to kidnap someone to use as a tool to command loyalty.

Plus Jamie was just fighting along side her a few days before.

She said he was trying to break through their lines.... They knew what he was up to
You know what's crazy about that? Dany tells Tyrion that they captured Jamie. Unsullied soldiers are on guard watching Jamie to make sure he doesn't escape. Tyrion helps him escape and not a peep was made out of it. I mean nothing. No questions about it or anything. He might as well have not even been captured in the first place.

You meant to add "yet" I'm sure. There is time to deal with that still...

But yeah... You might be right though
It wasn't 3 episodes ago niggas was asking for Violence , Niggas got one of theeee most Violent episodes in TV history

Now u got posters feeling sorry for the people of Kings Landing ??? lmaoooo

Niggas wanted Cersei to have a soldiers death ??? Lmaooo

Some of u niggas still think power deserves an oscar

Foh Siskel & ebert Ass niggas..

Dany showed the Fuck out tonight period.... When it's War time

Nah... There are rules to engagement...Dani in violation. It's one thing when war is active and there is no surrender a whole nother thing when you've already won and then decide to hell with it
On the cool, Dany did everything she did outta spite. Spite of Jon. Spite of Tyrion. Spite of Westeros as a whole.

Hurt ppl hurt and she gots to be the most hurt person on the show.

She literally on her own in a land full of strangers. All her OG's and Day ones done. Grey work still around but that nigga glummer than Cube in 92.

She don't even like these ppl and only wanna rule because. She should have stayed in Dragons Bay
Lmao And Niggas said Cersei didn't have a plan , When All she did was say It In this very episode to Qyburn

His Response Nah baby that shit over with let's bounce lol

Jamie went from fuck nigga extraordinaire , to he's not that bad afterall to mannnnnn fuck this nigga once again

Cersei killed people of KL not a whimper from u niggas

Just admit niggas Not getting the End they want

Fans are fickle as fuck....