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Jaime threw up his golden hand like he tried to flash a 20 at the bouncer to let him in the club lol

Jaime trash af. I really thought he was going to KL to do something to Cersei but he really went there cuz he loved her. Tf. After he fought euron I knew he wasnt gonna kill her cuz drogon was fuckin the city up so they were as good as dead anyway.
So does this mean theres no more iron bank? They have no more muscle therefore they cant enforce anything.

Dany brought down centralized banking she really might be for the people lmaoooooo
You never said thank you when I brought the elephants. You ungrateful Targ lol.
What elephants?????????

Oh yea I loved in the closing credits how they mixed danys theme with Cersei's music when she blew up the sept
So does this mean theres no more iron bank? They have no more muscle therefore they cant enforce anything.

Dany brought down centralized banking she really might be for the people lmaoooooo

They wouldn’t send 100% of their soldiers, would they?
"how dany take a sharp left into going crazy that's shitty writing"

They been edging that shit and showing her slowly go down then take a step back for like 20 years what show have y'all been watching? And they said the targs madness is something almost instant when it does happen like wtf they litteraly started the heartbreak in season fucking one. When her baby died
What they want. Her cackling like the wicked which of the west?
That would be ass writing and corny as fuck
A quick little montage of all the events that contributed to that situation would of been more acceptable. A bunch of flash backs including how the North doesn't accept her, having to prove her strength, still not praised after helping defeat the NK, the failures of Tyrion, and etc. Then the last one could of been Missandi head falling to the ground. With Dany's imagination showing the head of Missandi saying dracaris.

But instead, we just got a long shot of Dany looking constipated. IJS. And please forgive all my mispellings.

So does this mean theres no more iron bank? They have no more muscle therefore they cant enforce anything.

Dany brought down centralized banking she really might be for the people lmaoooooo

Iron Bank is in Braavos and I do believe they have their own military. Also, it's been implied that they can hire The Faceless Men, who are said to have brought down Valyria.
I think Bronn's best chance is to wash his hands of all this and go back to being a sellsword. Or getting the fuck outta dodge. Hard to say if Tyrion can uphold his deal now and of course Cersie can't.

Couldn't help, but notice that glare Grey Worm gave Jon. Might be some foreshadowing there, don't look like Dany feeling them Starks no more.