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This bitch Dany really aint got no common fuckin sense tho.. like for real? I mean thanks for saving the NAWF but gotdamn!

everybody is tired and they wounds still aint heal from fighting the dead but your dumbass wants to go south and show out n try to take on fresh troops... then you get ambushed and try to make demands with 15 unsullied niggas?! for real? lol that shit legit pissed me off lol
Gendry got the level up.. props to him.

lol drunk/party Tormund is hilarious.. im sad to see him, Sam and Ghost go...

Glad to see my prediction was right about the Hound and Aryas road trip together!

Cant believe i'm saying this but folks really need to start listening to Sansa more... smfh..

Varys was straight up.. Told both Tyrion AND Dany what the deal was...