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son of a BITCH!

Dany really fuckin pissed me off this episode and all of this bullshit is on her head. stupid fuckin ass. one fuckin dumbass decision after another...

How you gonna show up to kings landing with like 15 unsullied niggas tryna play tough
GRRM has always stressed the story is about personal conflict, looks like that's what the show is getting back too. Guess the NK was just a plot device that he finally got out the way.
I don't think Euron believes that his baby either. Once the shit hits the fan, that nigga going to hit the sea quick. But I think Yara will come through on some savior shit and help during the last war.

Dany going to burn everybody and Arya going to have to take Dany out. Or maybe it will be Tyrion doing the same thing his brother had to do to her father.

Guess that's it for Tormund, Sam and Ghost. Jon ain't even pet him or anything. I think Ghost ends up following Jon and comes through in the clutch at some point.

Tormund said Jon weighed as much as 2 fleas fucking, lol!! That might be one liner of the season.

Sansa getting smarter and smarter. She knew what she was doing giving that info to Tyrion.

And the dragon wildcard is slowly becoming less of an advantage. I wouldn't fuck with those ground to air missiles either. That shit came out of nowhere. That's the GOT I know and love.

Grey Worm about to catch wreck during the next battle.

My opinion of last episode stands, but they're making it a little more interesting for me.