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It's about time the Dragon Queen took a loss, nothing serious has happened to her since season 1 when Drogo and her baby died, she just been skating by unscathed before this.
All roads pointed to a dragon dying at some point. Classic literary technique is when you have main characters you take away things they care the most about or use the things they care most about against them.

Cersei - kids
Ned and jon - loyalty
Jaime - his dominant hand/ability to fight
Tyrion and arya - their home

Dany caught some body shots, but she was due for a dragon getting permanently removed from her situation. I'm just glad it didn't happen against cersei lol
I want to know what Littlefinger got up his sleeve, cause Arya is going to kill Sansaa because of him.

Why Cersei sending for Sansaa, they hate each other
I bet the dragon is gonna be used to bring down the wall

Also, where tf was bran this episode, could've at least gave him some lines to creep people out or talk about the nightking
I want to know what Littlefinger got up his sleeve, cause Arya is going to kill Sansaa because of him.

Why Cersei sending for Sansaa, they hate each other

Now that I think about it that's probably a Littlefinger ploy to get Sansaa's protection out of Winterfell so killa Arya will have an easier time to do something.
I bet the dragon is gonna be used to bring down the wall

Also, where tf was bran this episode, could've at least gave him some lines to creep people out or talk about the nightking
This episode had some bad writing. Bran not being used at all when he knows everything is dumb. He's in winterfell and not with them in dragonstone but same way he sent a raven about seeing the night king, he shoulda said some shit at least about the damn ice javelin lol
I want to know what Littlefinger got up his sleeve, cause Arya is going to kill Sansaa because of him.

Why Cersei sending for Sansaa, they hate each other
At first I thought that letter was fake and arya was using brienne's face to talk to Sansa to see what she would do.

But I don't think LF planned that cuz cersei don't fuck with him after he got Sansa outa KL
Mannnn I thought we had Jon for a second lol

Gtfohh with this shit. This nigga Jon was out there fightin a million mfs , got left behind to come back and call this bitch queen? lmaooo What a bunch of lames, i hope they all die
Yea Jon let me down with that bitch shit at the end, killa Arya holding the Stark name down.
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Yup. And you can't even say she saved him cuz he made it out without her. All she did was give them a dragon.
If john was able to make it out by himself what makes u think a group of them couldnt? lol
Yeah, It was a rap for them before she showed up, they were about to pushed off the cliff into a swarm. I have no clue why she brought all 3 dragons though, Drogon was the only one doing work.

The only way they are going to stop the ice dragon is killing the night king
Yea I don't like that element, kill the night king and everybody else dies? That's a weak out. But as long as Dany dies I'm cool with it.