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Yall agree?

Sam well ain’t dying if he the one writing this shit
If you watch season 6 and 7 they've been showing that Danearys has deviated from what she initially wanted when she started.

The show is telling us the Iron Throne doesn't matter and look how many wars and disputes have erupted as a result.

Dany was supposed to break the wheel but now she wants everyone to pledge fealty to her as their queen. For what ? That's what the Greyjoys first said and were outcast for it, and the Starks in season 2 with Robb when he told the spy to tell Tywin the North is an independent and free land. The wildlings too. Everyone seems to be overlooking these things that are right in our faces. Even Jaime has shown significant disdain for it. As did Bronn, Davos, Littlefinger, Jon and Oberyn. I think viewers are so entrenched in the characters and battle they're ignoring key developments to the story.

Thing is Dany talks a good game about breaking the wheel and being for the people.. but it seems she doesnt actually have a plan on how to do it.

Even last season when Tyrion brings up what her plan for succession is she blows him off like yeah fuck all that we'll figure it out after I get what I want(the Throne).

For all that talk about wanting to break the wheel she seems to want a few spins on it first before she breaks it
Honestly I think the writers wrote themselves into a hole with that corny "break the wheel" line lol. I've always hated it and they got ahead of themselves tryna be extra on some girlpower shit.

In order for it to work somebody would have to be in charge to oversee it anyway. I'd hope if she wins (which she wont because there's no winning here) she'd actually do shit that would be different than what everyone else was doing. She started to in mereen before going back to the dothraki.

They've dropped the ball on a lot of characters in the latter seasons tho so I'm not really tripping off this. Hopefully they write their way out of it and everyone's story concludes in a way that's true to their character *shrug*