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Nah Tyrion's about to have a big win. They foreshadowed it when he pulled Bran to the side to get some insider info. Bran is a walking Google and nobody has yet to really pick his brain until Tyrion did it in the last ep.
You’re blaming Jon for not knowing how Cersei is? It was Tyrion’s idea .. everyone listened to him about Cersei cause they don’t know her except Tyrion.all the other shit .. ok. Kong’s make mistakes. Literally everyone in this show has made mistakes. Jon is a bit slow but clear headed and listens.
Fam the plan to get a wight for Cersei was s7. Battle of the bastards was s6. Him not seeing how much his men hated wildlings and not sending Thorne away and tryna kill mance was s5. He was a grown man at that point doing that stupid shit. He wasn't a child.

Jon escapes a shit ton of criticism because he's beloved. Niggas still hate sansa to this day for shit she did in s1. We like and respect jon but he's not much different in the intelligence dept than anyone else. That's my point. If dany, sansa, ned, LF and Tyrion routinely get called stupid theres no reason jon is not in that conversation.
Nah Tyrion's about to have a big win. They foreshadowed it when he pulled Bran to the side to get some insider info from Bran. Bran is a walking Google and nobody has yet to really pick his brain until Tyrion did it in the last ep.
Shit I hope so. It's been a rough 2 seasons for half man
Gabi this is stupid and you're just nitpicking at this point because you don't like how this season has been going for you thus far.
Lol what? I fuck with this season what are you talkin about?

This is just fun for discussion
That's my view of it so far from reading your initial posts.

You've been nitpicking at Jon since the episode when he told Dany he's the heir to the Iron throne.
Lmao bruh I'm following the discussions as they come up. Jon been the topic so I responded. Never once have I said I didn't like this season or how it's going nor have I ever said I didnt like jon. Just cuz Dany lookin stupid doesnt mean i don't enjoy it.








@shutupGabi some of the stuff you said were not good decisions actually were,

Jon taking a wight to Cersei WAS a good choice, he never met her how was he supposed to know she was the most selfish bitch in the 7 kingdoms? Any other person who never saw a wight before would see that and make that priority #1.

Shit look at Jamie, he knew right away what was important after he saw that, and most other ppl would see it that way too..him not taking into account that Cersei only cares about Cersei is not bad leadership he never even met her. Dany was on board with the plan too so if that was bad leadership on his part then it is for dany too
@shutupGabi some of the stuff you said were not good decisions actually were,

Jon taking a wight to Cersei WAS a good choice, he never met her how was he supposed to know she was the most selfish bitch in the 7 kingdoms? Any other person who never saw a wight before would see that and make that priority #1.

Shit look at Jamie, he knew right away what was important after he saw that, and most other ppl would see it that way too..him not taking into account that Cersei only cares about Cersei is not bad leadership he never even met her. Dany was on board with the plan too so if that was bad leadership on his part then it is for dany too
Lmao no it wasn't that plan was stupid. We was all shittin on how stupid that episode was 2 weeks ago now all of a sudden the plan was smart.


Sansa getting touted as the smartest person on the show now and she called everybody stupid for trusting Cersei...but now the plan was smart. Is sansa smart or is she dumb?

Which is it? How the episode dumb but the plan smart?
Oochie wally or one mic
I'm dead ass. Yall talkin about politics, i'm looking at the big picture lol It's deeper than "the throne".

But aight, i'll fall back :mybad: