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This shit reminds me of Ned and Cersei. People harped on Ned for showing her mercy to get up and leave KL. If none of you saw what happened after y'all would have done the same thing. There is no way in hell, Ned or any of you could have expected Cersei to be that stupid and kill Robert.

Tywin said the same thing because in the grand scheme of things, they could have just denied it because there is no real proof other than what the color of one's hair ? He didn't expect Robert to die and Renly to run. Cersei killing Ned only confirmed what Ned was trying to prove. Which Robb picked up on.

Cersei would get murked early fucking with me. That was the one time in ned's life he needed to be ruthless.
Little finger dead

Unless he about to join the walkers, let's stop talking about him
Why did he not investigate how the homie could quote him verbatim? Lmao @Inori u not urself today fam lmao

I would think that the smartest person in Westeros would want to know how somebody that was nowhere near the conversation or had any ties to it could quote one of my secret conversations word for word but hey what do I know...


Yall got it... lol keep thinkin LF was the goat as you please. Im looking forward to sunday regardless lol
I would think that the smartest person in Westeros would want to know how somebody that was nowhere near the conversation or had any ties to it could quote one of my secret conversations word for word but hey what do I know...


Yall got it... lol keep thinkin LF was the goat as you please. Im looking forward to sunday regardless lol
So who did LF say that to? And is that individual still around?
The politics of mortals doesn't concern him. At least it shouldn't.

It wouldn't even make sense for him to care about who sits on the throne when his stated goal is to create an everlasting night.
He never stated a damn thing he hasn’t even spoke.
We're not talking about the great war.
We're not talking about the night king.
We're not talking about Arya the great.
We're not talking about King Jon.
We're not talking about anything that actually matters.


So now @Sion is both team littlefinger AND team white walker?
Damn I really seen it all now,

Ask him who he reps in one more year he'll say hes a lannistarkgareyan
So now @Sion is both team littlefinger AND team white walker?
Damn I really seen it all now,

Ask him who he reps in one more year he'll say hes a lannistarkgareyan
Shit there’s a few posters running around talking that I’m Team Targaryen but Cersei is my bitch
If Jon has northerners under him and his current staff he'd be fine. If he had to run KL with Varys, Pycelle, Triggafinger and Cersei then no. Hell no one would be.

Dany doesn't have good judgement which is why she relies so heavily on Tyrion. She'd make a good war time don but outside of that I wouldn't bend the knee.

Also the contrast between Jon and Dany is quite stark (no pun intended). Dany started out like Jon but has hardened into the very same people they're trying to throw out of the iron throne. Everywhere she goes she's asking people to bend the knee or else. Jon you can actually have a conversation with and he's about unifying people but also allowing them independence.

Dany offered Yara independence from the Iron Throne and then tried to get Sansa to submit to her for no reason and has opposition about the North being independent which doesn't make sense considering how little she knows about the North and how little she even needs it. I thought she was trying to break the wheel ? Breaker of chains mi back foot !!!
Like I said before I'm not interested in arguing danys leadership. I already said these past 2 eps she been on some bullshit.

We talkin bout jon right now. As much as we fuck with jon we gotta keep it a buck and none of the shit he's done thus far has proven he'd make a good king. Not that he cant improve and I'm sure he would with time but being a leader and a king are not the same. And as of right now, he ain't show us he'd make a good king.

Jon is impulsive and one track minded and continually runs toward death to prove his point. Nigga more committed to dying than prove he'll do what it takes to live for the ppl he tryna lead. What good is your leadership if you dead. Bruh went on 3 suicide missions for no reason lol. He tried to kill mance in wildling camp and he woulda died if stannis didnt pull up. He went into the battle of the bastards knowing he didnt have the numbers and didnt heed sansa's advice to wait until they could get more men and not be baited by Ramsay. Sansa knows how he is and had to get the vale involved because jon is retarded. Then that bullshit beyond the wall.

Outside of fighting what is jon really good for? He couldn't even rally the men they did manage to get for battle of the bastards. That was Davos lol. And thanks again to Davos and also Tyrion cuz without them jon wouldn't have no dragonglass. Stannis told jon to send Thorne away cuz keeping him around wasn't wise. What did jon dumbass do? Keep him right there while he plotted a mutiny right in front of his face.

Jon stupid and sansa been a better king than him.
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And he's a quitter, quit being the head of the watch and then quit being the king of the north. You put this dude in charge will he still be there when shit get tough
lol bet... so fuckin Dragons are within the realm of possibility
Assassins who can change their faces are within the realm of possibility
Folks can light there swords outa nowhere like lightsabers is within the realm of possibility
Fuckin GIANTS(which he saw) are within the realm of possibility
A magical wall to keep out Ice demons and the undead is within the realm of possibility

but you draw the line at a nigga being able to look into the past and quote your own words back to you. Got it lol
My whole thing about that was he saw all the stark kids level up right in front of him. Arya handled brienne of fades who is a whole 3 ft taller than her. Bran quoting his past. Sansa been curving him since they left the vale. Even jon coming back from the dead just to yoke him up in the crypts. He had way more of a warning shit was about to go left for him than Ned did. And his stupid ass stayed like he had the cache with any of them kids and somebody was gon look out for him lol.

Even without the bran shit he shoulda seen the writing on the wall that all it took is one misstep. Hypothetically speaking, they coulda completely lied and made up the charges against him. Their last name is stark and they're in winterfell. Nobody was gonna take his side over theirs.