Welcome To aBlackWeb

Yall know what team I'm on

Welcome to the House Bran built

We always needed someone to represent Jenny Poole
As I just recently learned, the 3 Eyed Raven is a Targaryen concept, my good lord. We the alpha and omega up in here. We just let bran borrow.
The real reason Khaleesi is wack tho? Not the dragons, not the one day im crazy killer queen and the next day im all about peace, or even asking Jon Snow to bend the knee. The real reason is because she got the same hairstyle for like 7 seasons. She basic.
3 eyed raven definitely not a targ concept. Warging is from the first men. Idk what valaryians are

Two things:

1. Bloodraven wasn't a Targaryen by rights, he was a bastard.

2. His mother was Melissa Blackwood, of House Blackwood and descended from the First Men. That's where Bloodraven's abilities came from.
The real reason Khaleesi is wack tho? Not the dragons, not the one day im crazy killer queen and the next day im all about peace, or even asking Jon Snow to bend the knee. The real reason is because she got the same hairstyle for like 7 seasons. She basic.

Yo lmaoo
Gabi deadass trying to claim the Three Eyed Raven abilities on being a Targ?


Just like HER ppl, always stealing shit and passing it off as their own
It's to be expected... they lost a lot of their "and....shit" so they tryna claim whatever they can right now
Two things:

1. Bloodraven wasn't a Targaryen by rights, he was a bastard.

2. His mother was Melissa Blackwood, of House Blackwood and descended from the First Men. That's where Bloodraven's abilities came from.

Bastard targ still a targ but i did forget he a blackwood tho.
Honestly if the targs wasnt so incest like they couldve lasted longer. 7 regions 7 heirs. Probably still be killing each other but at least the whole family wouldnt been concentrated in one place
I wonder why they dont speak on Baratheons and dragon blood. They founder was a Targ bastard and Roberts grandma was a targ.