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Simp god finna put in work beyond the wall, smh @ simp jaime seeding cersei up AGAIN.

I wonder if sam really grew nuts n/h this time, he's rightful heir of the tarly's now.
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We're taking atleast 2 of these mfs out next episode, hopefully Jorah is one of em
Callin it now, Jorah and about 2 of them lord of the light niggas gettin murked
So the scroll LF hid that arya found was from when cersei made Sansa write to Robb in s1. She said Robert Baratheon died and that the Lannisters treated her well and shit.

I can't stand his bitchass. Can't wait til arya give him the
My baby's playin that nigga. She knows she can't fully trust him and has probably lost all respect for him already.
I'm mad now cuz I was really watching like "oh shit bastard #4 coming. Will he have dark hair (euron) or blonde???"

It didn't even cross my mind she could be lying til I got online lmao
The seeds planted for killa Arya to go at Sansaa, I think it's going to backfire on Littlefinger though.

This bitch and bend the knee needs to be taken off the board, she used to be a beloved character now I cant stand the bitch. I like how Jon basically told her she don't run him, foh bitch.