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French Actress Catherine Deneuve Signs Letter Criticising #MeToo Movement


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9 JANUARY 2018 • 6:53PM


The French actress Catherine Deneuve is one of about 100 female writers, performers and academics who have put their names to an open letter denouncing the "puritanism" they claim has emerged in the wake of the recent sexual harassment scandals.

The letter, published in Le Monde, also condemns the denunciations, which followed allegations of rape and sexual harassment against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, as a "witch hunt", and claims that men should be allowed "to hit on women".

“Rape is a crime, but trying to seduce someone, even persistently or cack-handedly, is not – nor is men being gentlemanly a macho attack,” the letter, which has also been signed by Catherine Millet, author of the 2002 bestseller The Sexual Life of Catherine M, says. “Men have been punished summarily, forced out of their jobs when all they did was touch someone’s knee or try to steal a kiss.”

The letter also criticises social media campaigns, such as #MeToo, for unleashing a “puritanical [...] wave of purification”.

“What began as freeing women up to speak has today turned into the opposite – we intimidate people into speaking ‘correctly’, shout down those who don’t fall into line, and those women who refused to bend are regarded as complicit and traitors.

“Instead of helping women, this frenzy to send these ‘pigs’ to the abattoir actually helps the enemies of sexual liberty – religious extremists and the worst sort of reactionaries.

“As women we do not recognise ourselves in this feminism, which beyond denouncing the abuse of power takes on a hatred of men and of sexuality.

“[Women] sufficiently aware that the sexual urge is by its nature wild and aggressive. But we are also clear-eyed enough not to confuse an awkward attempt to pick someone up with a sexual attack.”

This is not the first time that Deneuve, 74, who is best known for playing a prostitute in Luis Buñuel’s 1967 film Belle de Jour, has spoken out on this issue.

“I don’t think it is the right method to change things, it is excessive,” she said last year, referring to the #MeToo hashtag. “After ‘calling out your pig’ what are we going to have, ‘call our your whore’?”

i get what shes saying....and she is right

alot of people will not know how to approach someone without fear of being labeled sexual deviant.

think about a guy stealing a kiss....now he is a predator
think about a woman stealing a kiss... shes being flirty.

some women tend to touch men they deem as non threatening or if they are attracted to him. but that doesnt mean she wants sex.
but if a man touches a woman....he has attacked her.

i dont think alot of these women understand what they are asking for. they want the power to taken from all men not just those pervs and pedos.

alot of these chicks turn a blind eye to shit they like and the people they like...

case and point:

50 shades of grey.

women loved the movie. went out buying sex toys in bulk and the shit created tension in bedroom as they wanted their man to live up to mr. grays sexual prowess. the movie did great. some women didnt like the female lead...but loved the aggression of the male lead. they loved his dominant nature. and let me say again....the complaint i have heard were that the female lead wasnt anything like the female in the book.

but heres the thing.....they all skipped over how mr grey got like he was. which was he was molested by a older woman AS A CHILD!

all they saw was the sex side of it and his lifestyle.

wasnt no boycott called.

and even worse they wanted their home life to resemble a person who was molested.

think about this.

so is it about punishing these perverted men? or is it about power with the ability to step away from responsibility? because alot of them chicks still spent the money which means they took the check.

even if they did it to feed their family.
you dont need a big house, big car, or expensive jewelry and first class trips.

get your money ...invest and do what you have to do to not be in that position again.....

who wants to fight about this?
She's right. The thing is, these #MeToo chicks know it too.

Right before the New Year, I saw this interview with the chick that started the #MeToo movement. One of the interviewers asked her about the fact that some men who weren't really guilty of anything criminal were being swept up by the movement and having their lives ruined. The chick's answer was basically "Well, women have had to hold their tongues for years, so it's all worth it as long as those women get to speak their peace."
Oh, it most certainly is. A LOT of this movement is driven by closeted misandry, and pure disdain for the male population.

It was evident in Natalie Portman's emphasis on Best Director nominees being "all male."

It was evident in the firing of several men in various industries just for ACCUSATIONS (Tavis Smiley, Rich Rodriguez), not full completed investigations, nor for their chance at due process.

It was evident in no one really sticking up for Terry Crew's story about how he was sexually harassed, and give that the attention it truly deserved.

It's been evident that no one has really consoled the male victims of Kevin Spacey's outright debauchery.

When it's women victims and male perps, that's par for the course, and it becomes simple and easy to say "men are pigs, and this needs to change." As soon as that dynamic changes however, you get to see just how "equal" this movement becomes.....which gets hypocritically silent.
She needs to name some names of those falsely maligned since so far the people that really felt the repercussions have been serial gropers, predators, rapists and pedophiles. (Except Al Franken - he got screwed over).

And btw - it's just not ok to be trying to kiss or grope your employees so I'm not sure what that old bag is trying to justify here. People don't come to work for that bullshit.
She needs to name some names of those falsely maligned since so far the people that really felt the repercussions have been serial gropers, predators, rapists and pedophiles. (Except Al Franken - he got screwed over).

And btw - it's just not ok to be trying to kiss or grope your employees so I'm not sure what that old bag is trying to justify here. People don't come to work for that bullshit.

People like you love oversimplifying shit.


Based this study, 15% of people meet their significant others at work. That doesn't really sound like a lot, but based on these number the job is the second most likely avenue of finding someone. So, while it's true that no one goes to work to be groped (strippers, prostitutes, and porn stars excluded), it would be inaccurate to say that no one is open to being approached on a personal level at work. The "old bag's" point is that the #MeToo movement is leading to where innocent attempts to open up those kinds of relationships are being treated as sexual abuse or harassment. She's not saying that a lot of these dudes don't deserve what they are getting. She's saying that some men who don't deserve punishment are getting swept up and women who actually are interested in certain attention are being treated like they don't exist or being bashed for not going along with the group.
She needs to name some names of those falsely maligned since so far the people that really felt the repercussions have been serial gropers, predators, rapists and pedophiles. (Except Al Franken - he got screwed over).

And btw - it's just not ok to be trying to kiss or grope your employees so I'm not sure what that old bag is trying to justify here. People don't come to work for that bullshit.

LOL the #MeToo campaign started online right? So anonymous women have alleged that they were sexually assaulted, across the globe

How many of those allegations can you vouch for?
She's right. The thing is, these #MeToo chicks know it too.

Right before the New Year, I saw this interview with the chick that started the #MeToo movement. One of the interviewers asked her about the fact that some men who weren't really guilty of anything criminal were being swept up by the movement and having their lives ruined. The chick's answer was basically "Well, women have had to hold their tongues for years, so it's all worth it as long as those women get to speak their peace."
so fuck it ..if i wanted a date and told a chick she looked nice in her dress.

i gotta pay for some chick that got raped years ago that i never met?

that sounds just as stupid as the chicks that say...men been cheating on women for years...when only that woman got caught cheating on her man. so that man has to pay for decades and eons of women who got cheated on

fuck outta here
People like you love oversimplifying shit.


Based this study, 15% of people meet their significant others at work. That doesn't really sound like a lot, but based on these number the job is the second most likely avenue of finding someone. So, while it's true that no one goes to work to be groped (strippers, prostitutes, and porn stars excluded), it would be inaccurate to say that no one is open to being approached on a personal level at work. The "old bag's" point is that the #MeToo movement is leading to where innocent attempts to open up those kinds of relationships are being treated as sexual abuse or harassment. She's not saying that a lot of these dudes don't deserve what they are getting. She's saying that some men who don't deserve punishment are getting swept up and women who actually are interested in certain attention are being treated like they don't exist or being bashed for not going along with the group.
and this was my point in another thread a while back.

alot of people are around their work peers more they are around their spouse....so i would imagine single people would begin to hook up....to even say its all harassment...then those that hook up...how did they eventually get to a point where the personal home contact information was exchanged?

the harassment is just like when a chick wears a short tight ass dress.... its only for the men they want attention from. anyone else is a pervert.
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And I think she is particularly referring to 'man haters': women who just jumped on the bandwagon to chastise men
where are all these chicks coming from?

real shit...they are truly fucking it up for women who need a voice or are abused.

when did all these chicks get so angry at dudes?

is it payback?

i aint even do nuffin
LOL the #MeToo campaign started online right? So anonymous women have alleged that they were sexually assaulted, across the globe

How many of those allegations can you vouch for?

If you're talking about the ones that are just writing the hashtag I don't think they're out here naming names.

I thought we were talking about the high profile public cases.

If you have a problem with some random women just saying they have been sexually harassed before that might be a you issue and not a them issue.
People like you love oversimplifying shit.


Based this study, 15% of people meet their significant others at work. That doesn't really sound like a lot, but based on these number the job is the second most likely avenue of finding someone. So, while it's true that no one goes to work to be groped (strippers, prostitutes, and porn stars excluded), it would be inaccurate to say that no one is open to being approached on a personal level at work. The "old bag's" point is that the #MeToo movement is leading to where innocent attempts to open up those kinds of relationships are being treated as sexual abuse or harassment. She's not saying that a lot of these dudes don't deserve what they are getting. She's saying that some men who don't deserve punishment are getting swept up and women who actually are interested in certain attention are being treated like they don't exist or being bashed for not going along with the group.

Ok chart guy...notice I said "employees"? Show us all some stats on how many women have made harassment complaints against their subordinates. It basically dsoesn't happen because men who are predators know who to go after. There is a power dynamic that can't be ignored especially if you want to talk about oversimplifying shit.