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Feminism, is it for black people


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Does feminism hurt or help black men and women

In this thread we will discuss if this shit is hurting our community or helping

Provide data on how it has helped and hurt if so.

We are strictly talking about black women. No other women. Fuck them
Let's break this all the way the fuck down

Black men and women were freed in 1865.

We started building our own communities. There were many Tulsa around the country, many black thriving communities happening around the country.

Self-sufficient, cut our reading literacy in half or something like that.

Share cropping became a thing for the men. Working in the field for pennies but they worked. Other jobs were had as well.

Black women raised the kids, some did housework for white families. Maid domestic work.

For the most part, can we all agree that black women were housewives from 1865 -1940 era?
No voting rights I don't believe in this time

My question to @SeaSnake and you other feminist, what reasons in this time period did black women need to join the feminism movement?
I think black men and women were married at a high ass rate.

We can check the martial rate in this time period.
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I think it’s helped the black community a lot. Pay is a major thing because black women always worked outside the house but women were not paid equally or better until feminism. I don’t think that hurts us at all. More educated women more educated people.

I also don’t think it destroyed relationships like folks say. Women having little more independence than say the 50s does not mean they have to stick with a terrible situation for family and kids
I think it’s helped the black community a lot. Pay is a major thing because black women always worked outside the house but women were not paid equally or better until feminism. I don’t think that hurts us at all. More educated women more educated people.

I also don’t think it destroyed relationships like folks say. Women having little more independence than say the 50s does not mean they have to stick with a terrible situation for family and kids
Ok let's move into that sector.

Let's talk about that

Are you saying men made more money than women for doing the SAME job??

From 1865 -1940 Era. What jobs were black women and black men doing that were the same.?

Name them

Again, we are talking strictly about black women
And I think we have a romantic view on how the black family was. More marriage in general is better but before feminism women in general were not able to easily leave a bad situation. For black women that was harder.

And I don’t think child support is tool of feminism
I think it’s helped the black community a lot. Pay is a major thing because black women always worked outside the house but women were not paid equally or better until feminism. I don’t think that hurts us at all. More educated women more educated people.

I also don’t think it destroyed relationships like folks say. Women having little more independence than say the 50s does not mean they have to stick with a terrible situation for family and kids

Did black men from 1865-1940 era worked and when they got paid, did they hand their paycheck to their wife?

Not all. I'm speaking about majority
Ok let's move into that sector.

Let's talk about that

Are you saying men made more money than women for doing the SAME job??

From 1865 -1940 Era. What jobs were black women and black men doing that were the same.?

Name them

Again, we are talking strictly about black women

I never said men and women did the same jobs. But a single black woman like black men had less opportunity
And I think we have a romantic view on how the black family was. More marriage in general is better but before feminism women in general were not able to easily leave a bad situation. For black women that was harder.

And I don’t think child support is tool of feminism

See. You're drifting. F
From 1865-1940 era
Not ALL women were in bad situations. Can you pull up a source that will backup what you are trying to say?
What would you call a bad situation?

Feminism has nothing to do with cheating dude

If a man cheats, he has to cheat with a woman, so that means that the woman is cheating too, Correct??
I never said men and women did the same jobs. But a single black woman like black men had less opportunity

1865-1940 era

Were there many single black women or were many, most married?

What % would you say black women in that era were single?.
I would say 3% - 10% what would you say?
I never said men and women did the same jobs. But a single black woman like black men had less opportunity

Could you name those jobs??

You said women, but we are talking about black women were being paid less during that era 1865 -1940 and I asked you to name the jobs that black women and black men worked the same during that era
I think it’s helped the black community a lot. Pay is a major thing because black women always worked outside the house but women were not paid equally or better until feminism. I don’t think that hurts us at all. More educated women more educated people.

I also don’t think it destroyed relationships like folks say. Women having little more independence than say the 50s does not mean they have to stick with a terrible situation for family and kids
A bisexual negro ☝🏾

The opinions of the Buckbroken are meaningless. Your opinions will always lean towards the dilution of the nuclear black family

Black feminism was created, and Nurtured by the CIA. The feminist movement deliberately targeted black men and black women relationships. They did a powerful job, they made the black men the enemy.
A bisexual negro ☝🏾

The opinions of the Buckbroken are meaningless. Your opinions will always lean towards the dilution of the nuclear black family

Black feminism was created, and Nurtured by the CIA. The feminist movement deliberately targeted black men and black women relationships. They did a powerful job, they made the black men the enemy.

We go let these feminist niggas see that in this thread, that's why I'm starting from the very beginning so we can peel back all the layers and break up this shit.

I started from the era where we freed.

He hasn't yet to answer any of my questions.
Feminism is great for all communities

But second and third wave feminism is some trash

15th Amendment in 1870 angered some women’s rights leaders who resented Black men being granted suffrage before white women. Similarly, the women’s suffrage movement also largely marginalized or excluded Black feminists like Sojourner Truth and Ida B. Wells. Though ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920 fulfilled the principal goal of feminism’s first wave—guaranteeing white women the right to vote—Black women and other women of color faced continued obstacles until passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

The first wave focused on white women getting rights to vote and do other shit in the political realm

I would agree with this. At the base definition of it..equality across the board I'm all for it.

Keep all that extra shit

Equality across the board, that means women on the front lines we need that all woman platoon over there in Gaza or wherever, a crew of women on the oil rigs in the sea, women doing the dangerous jobs that men do.

Women meeting the same standards as men. Building skyscrapers,

Have you ever seen an all-woman construction crew? I never seen a sign that says "Women at Work" Drive around lol

I think there should be a push for women to do those jobs.

I say all this for niggas like @SeaSnake to stop with the extra victim shit. Black men and Black women have to work hard to get what they get. Black men 3x especially
Humanity, is it for Black people?

That's pretty much what I read.

You can answer the questions I posed to @SeaSnake

We can peel back the layers on this and dive into the FACTS or you can stick with your feeling and opinion

If that's what you read, awesome, you can feel how you wanna feel, but if you wanna dive into the FACTS, that's what this thread is for, but I appreciate you for taking the time out to read it and express your 'opinion' bro
Equality across the board, that means women on the front lines we need that all woman platoon over there in Gaza or wherever, a crew of women on the oil rigs in the sea, women doing the dangerous jobs that men do.

Women meeting the same standards as men. Building skyscrapers,

Have you ever seen an all-woman construction crew? I never seen a sign that says "Women at Work" Drive around lol

I think there should be a push for women to do those jobs.

I say all this for niggas like @SeaSnake to stop with the extra victim shit. Black men and Black women have to work hard to get what they get. Black men 3x especially

*shrugs* if they are able to do the job effectively.. I dont care what the profession is. They should be able to do it.. and to be paid equally