OPINION Fair or Foul: Boyfriend gets honest about his s/o weight...

Ohhhhhhhh I see. So the one you give a damn about youre willing to work on the weight or other issues with? The one you don’t is basically shit outta luck.

But like, I like thick chicks so she have to be pretty sloppy for me to be like nah......
Somebody was saying this was taken outta context and if you saw the whole convo you’d see that this specific response isn’t why she was mad....idk...
I read this too. Later in the day in the comments. Apparently she posted the whole exchange on twitter after receiving backlash. I don’t have twitter tho. Anybody care to research that?
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If it's one thing I've learned about women over the years..........is that what they say they want......and what they actually want.....aren't necessarily the same thing.

Meaning, they only want honesty as long as it's honesty that makes them feel good.

Otherwise, they'd rather just have you lie to them.

Now, to be fair, I suppose that can be said of both men and women in general, but........for the purposes of this thread.......the woman in the IG post definitely falls into that category.