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Facebook/Instagram Lifts Naked Breasts Ban for Trans Ladies, Not For Biological Women

The #FreeTheNipple campaign is a movement that began back in 2012. Initially, the concept challenged the gender standards that allowed men to walk around in public topless but not women. The 'Oversight Board' at Meta, an independent entity that is responsible for censoring content from Facebook and Instagram, has instructed Mark Zuckerburg's team to amend a policy that restricted intersex people, transgender women and those who identifiy as non-binary from displaying their nipples on their social media platform. The decision was greatly influenced by the #FreeTheNipple movement.

Shortly after the decison, Meta released the following statement in solardity with the LGBTQ+ community.

“We are constantly evolving our policies to help make our platforms safer for everyone,” a Meta rep said. “We know more can be done to support the LGBTQ+ community, and that means working with experts and LGBTQ+ advocacy organisations on a range of issues and product improvements.”

The new changes do not apply to biological women, who still cannot posts photos of their naked breasts on Facebook or Instagram.
Seems like an easy loophole they created. Women can simply change their account to trans and post nudes

That's going to cause a ton of problems itself though lol

I wonder how likely that is though. It's along the lines of the arguments being made during the bathroom law fiasco that if trans women were allowed in the women's bathrooms then straight natural born men would start calling themselves trans and dressing up like women to perv out in the women's bathrooms. lol
I wonder how likely that is though. It's along the lines of the arguments being made during the bathroom law fiasco that if trans women were allowed in the women's bathrooms then straight natural born men would start calling themselves trans and dressing up like women to perv out in the women's bathrooms. lol
I think physically doing that would be different than changing an online account. Men risk much more trying that out than women would by changing their gender online

Women aren't risking getting physically harmed and/or publicly shamed
The #FreeTheNipple campaign is a movement that began back in 2012. Initially, the concept challenged the gender standards that allowed men to walk around in public topless but not women. The 'Oversight Board' at Meta, an independent entity that is responsible for censoring content from Facebook and Instagram, has instructed Mark Zuckerburg's team to amend a policy that restricted intersex people, transgender women and those who identifiy as non-binary from displaying their nipples on their social media platform. The decision was greatly influenced by the #FreeTheNipple movement.

Shortly after the decison, Meta released the following statement in solardity with the LGBTQ+ community.

“We are constantly evolving our policies to help make our platforms safer for everyone,” a Meta rep said. “We know more can be done to support the LGBTQ+ community, and that means working with experts and LGBTQ+ advocacy organisations on a range of issues and product improvements.”

The new changes do not apply to biological women, who still cannot posts photos of their naked breasts on Facebook or Instagram.

Didnt read but...


Im assuming this about trans dudes w titties tho.

smh no @fightback
I reread like 6 times I'm fucking confused. So like....dudes who were shirtless which is allowed anyway...is still allowed and doesn't matter of they dress as women or not? Or..they mean dudes who get surgeries? My head hurts