Führer Trump’s Impeachment Inquiry Thread. Update: The Senate completes the coverup

Beto O’Rourke Calls On Trump to Resign, Also Says He Won’t Pardon Trump

Former Texas Congressman and Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke called on President Donald Trump to resign over the roiling Ukraine scandal, but also said he would no pardon Trump if elected president.

At the Texas Tribune Festival Saturday, O’Rourke spoke with moderator Garrett Haake at length about the scandal that has resulted in an impeachment inquiry.

“I think back to what we saw in 1974 with Richard Nixon, and at the end of the day, before we got to the end of the trial and the end of impeachment hearings, Republican senators went to the White House and met with the president and said ‘For the good of the country, for the good of your political career, for any legacy that you want to be able to maintain, the right thing for you to do now is to step down’,” O’Rourke said.

He added that current senators and White House officials could do the same with Trump.

“Those people close to the president can sit down with him and level with him, and make sure that he understands what’s going to happen to him going forward, and that they also understand their complicity, and the judgement of history, and the judgment of our courts should they fail to act while there is still time to do it,” he said.

“So the best possible path, especially if you’re concerned about a country that’s never been more divided, perhaps more highly polarized every day, is for this president to resign, allow this country to heal, and ensure that we come back together with the greatest most ambitious agenda we’ve ever faced, none of it possible while he remains in power,” O’Rourke said.

“Under that Nixon likes scenario, would a President O’Rourke ever pardon Donald Trump?” Haake asked.

After a quick sip from his oversized mug, O’Rourke simply replied “No.”

“All right, that’s pretty straightforward,” Haake said.

Report: Trump Told Russian Officials He Didn’t Mind 2016 Election Interference

President Donald Trump told top Russian officials that he wasn’t concerned about the Kremlin’s election hacking of the 2016 elections, according to the Washington Post.

Three unnamed former officials told the Post that Trump had made the comments during his 2017 meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Trump reportedly told them that he wasn’t worried about Russia’s interference in the elections, arguing that the U.S. does the same to other countries.

It was the same meeting in which Trump bragged about firing “crazy” former FBI Director James Comey because “I faced great pressure because of Russia.”

The meeting was also closed off to all press except for Russian’s state-owned media outlets.

According to the Post, very few officials were given notes on the meeting in order to prevent Trump’s remarks to Lavrov and Kislyak from being leaked.
Might be the greatest President of the 45

Gangster rivaled by Fred Hampton, MlK, X

“I let my nuts hang, blood” -Sekashi 96
  • Haha
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What's been accomplished..

In times of reelection, what helps a sitting president is a economy that appears strong and war..tried to start a war..even Iran's enemies was like


A few weeks later this pop..what's been accomplished, the same thing a war would have accomplished. A renewed determination in his base. What's been accomplished, Joe Biden pushed back ahead of warren and sanders as the potential candidate.

What's been accomplished, when this fails and dies, the spirit of the opposition's belief that they can down this man. Either in policy or election.

Then know what..just "outta nowhere "..china gonna give in on a big agreement that looks good on the surface but fucks America in the long run.