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Führer Trump’s Impeachment Inquiry Thread. Update: The Senate completes the coverup

dude knows exactly the shit he's trying to stir up... smfh


McCarthy And McConnell Drag Dems For ‘Personal Hatred’ Of Trump

In an op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal about the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade deal on Sunday afternoon, Republican leadership attacked Democrats for their “personal hatred” of Trump.

While the op-ed did not address Democrats’ impeachment inquiry directly, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) condemned House Democrats for dragging their heels on authorizing the agreement and accused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and others of “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

Some observers, and not only Republicans, suspect that Democrats simply want to deny Mr. Trump a high-profile win. Even more cynically, perhaps they agree with the far-left voices actively rooting for a recession to help their election odds in 2020. Or perhaps Washington Democrats have been so consumed by their personal hatred for this president that they can no longer recognize good policy when they see it,” they wrote.
“Whatever the reason, the Democratic delaying tactics are hurting the country. If Mrs. Pelosi and House Democrats tank this trade deal because they don’t like the occupant of the White House, ‘Trump derangement syndrome’ will no longer be some Beltway curiosity. It will have drained potential prosperity from all 50 states and killed a huge number of American jobs.”
The digs at Democrats come on the heels of news that McConnell actively pressed Trump to release the transcript of his call with the president of Ukraine, the contents of which have become the center of Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.
The cool thing, in all of this if you are depressed about it. Is that Trump is going to completely fuck over all these people in his base. Fuck them over royally, the America that he creates for them is the America all of us have already been living in.

They are ill equipped to handle it, it's a regular Tuesday to us. Imaging all of this and nothing changing for you and me. Yea all the rethoric that will upset you from time to time, a couple of people getting out of pocket in ya daily lives. But on average nothing at all changes for us.

The best thing about all of this, and follow me on this. White Supremacy like Fox News has always been hate with a "wink wink". We could say it exist but they could argue it doesnt.

This shit they doing is blatant and they are going to create more white guilt than they create white anger. And in the end, that white guilt is what kills white supremacy. 100 MLKs couldnt do what Trump is going to do for the future. Life is sick like that.
The cool thing, in all of this if you are depressed about it. Is that Trump is going to completely fuck over all these people in his base. Fuck them over royally, the America that he creates for them is the America all of us have already been living in.

They are ill equipped to handle it, it's a regular Tuesday to us. Imaging all of this and nothing changing for you and me. Yea all the rethoric that will upset you from time to time, a couple of people getting out of pocket in ya daily lives. But on average nothing at all changes for us.

The best thing about all of this, and follow me on this. White Supremacy like Fox News has always been hate with a "wink wink". We could say it exist but they could argue it doesnt.

This shit they doing is blatant and they are going to create more white guilt than they create white anger. And in the end, that white guilt is what kills white supremacy. 100 MLKs couldnt do what Trump is going to do for the future. Life is sick like that.

I mean I can see what ur saying... but the rollbacks and shit they are doing and ARENT doing with regards to climate change is going to affect EVERYONE... and it's going to affect poorer/disenfranchised folks first...