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Führer Trump’s Impeachment Inquiry Thread. Update: The Senate completes the coverup

McConnell: Senate Would Have ‘No Choice’ But To Take Up Impeachment Vote

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) confirmed on Monday that he wouldn’t try to change Senate rules to keep an impeachment vote off the Senate floor.

During an interview with CNBC, McConnell said he would have “no choice” but to take up a resolution if it comes from the House.

“How long you are on it is a different matter, but I would have no choice but to take it up based on a Senate rule on impeachment,” he said, adding that Senate “impeachment rules are very clear.”

McConnell then attempted to hit Democrats for taking up the impeachment inquiry ahead of an election year, saying if he were in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) shoes he “wouldn’t want to into next year’s election having it credibly said that all you did for the whole Congress was harass the President and try to remove him from office.”

There were previous reports that McConnell might attempt to change the Senate rule that require the chamber to take up an impeachment resolution if it were passed by the House.

Democrats announced an official impeachment inquiry last week, once it became clear that President Trump withheld military aid from Ukraine around the same time he had a now-infamous phone call with the Ukrainian president in which he attempted to pressure the new leader to drum up baseless allegations against former Vice President Joe Biden.

During the call, Trump asked the Ukrainian president for a “favor” just after President Volodymyr Zelensky told Trump he wanted more of a certain type of defense weapon. Trump also appeared to try to get Zelensky to help discredit special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.


How DOJ Was Poised To Stifle The IC IG’s Whistleblower Complaint

For more than a week before it received a formal referral from the intelligence community inspector general, the Justice Department was aware of the concerns being raised about President Trump’s July 25 Ukraine call, reporting by the New York Times and elsewhere has revealed.

The heads up the Justice Department was given — which came to the Department via the CIA — put it in a position to quickly conclude that Trump’s conduct on the call was not illegal and to decide the that a formal whistleblower complaint need not be transmitted to Congress.

The chain of evens was discussed at length on Monday’s installment of the New York Times podcast The Daily.

It goes to show how the normal processes for reporting government impropriety are ill-equipped to handle misconduct accusations brought against the president of the United States.

As was previously reported, before the whistleblower — a CIA officer who had worked in the White House — filed a complaint with intelligence community inspector general Michael Atkinson, the concerns were brought to CIA General Counsel Courtney Elwood.

According to The Daily episode, the whistleblower had tasked a colleague with flagging the issue to the office of the CIA’s top lawyer so he could keep his identity anonymous.

What the colleague told Elwood’s office was very vague, New York Times reporter Julian Barnes said on the podcast. The colleague flagged that there were concerns about the President’s call with a foreign leader but didn’t identify the call’s date or the country it concerned.

Following standard practice, Elwood then reached out to the White House.

Around the week of August 5, there were a series of calls between the CIA and the White House, as the White House lawyers tried to figure out the seriousness of the concerns, according to Barnes.

At some point, the whistleblower became aware that the White House was investigating the call — and that White House lawyers, rather than CIA attorneys, were interviewing White House officials about Trump’s remarks to Ukrainian President Zelensky.

This is believed to have spooked the CIA officer, given it wasn’t the independent investigation he was hoping for, and pushed him make the more formal complaint with Inspector General Atkinson. By now, according to the New York Times, he had heard more from his White House sources about how the White House attorneys were handling the fallout from the call, including that they had put records on the call in the restricted access call system.

The IC inspector general received the formal complaint on August 12.

As the inspector general was beginning his own evaluation of the whistleblower’s allegations, the review of the call being done by the CIA and the White House was well underway.

On August 14, the CIA general counsel alerted the Justice Department about what she was looking into, CNN reported, and DOJ lawyers went to the White House to look at the rough transcript themselves.

That was when the Department of Justice first became aware of the call, according to the AP, and what it concerned — including a mention of Attorney General Bill Barr himself. The information was passed up the DOJ chain, including to Barr.

It was more than a week later, towards the end of August, that the intelligence community inspector general made his criminal referral to the Justice Department, according to CNN.

On August 26, Atkinson submitted his report to acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire on the whistleblower complaint, finding it to be credible and assessing it to meet the “urgent concern” requirement that triggers a transmittal to Congress.

Under that process, Maguire would have a week to review the complaint himself before sending it along to the House Intelligence committee with his own thoughts.

Instead, however, Maguire reached out to the White House, because he believed it raised execute privilege concerns since the complaint centered around a Presidential conversation with a foreign leader.

He also reached out to the Justice Department for its advice. By then, the Justice Department had been looking at the call for several days.

On Sept. 3, the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel issued an opinion determining that the complaint did not meet that “urgent concern” definition and that that the allegations could stay within the Justice Department’s purview, rather than be turned over to Congress.

The Justice Department decided that what Trump was seeking on the call — an investigation into the family of political rival — did not constitute a thing of value under campaign finance law and thus an investigation into a campaign finance violation was not warranted.

Atkinson notified the House Intelligence Committee on Sept. 9 that a complaint existed even as he was being blocked by the administration from providing it. Had he not done so, it’s possible that no one outside of the executive branch would have ever known about the details of the call and the whistleblower’s other allegations.
Ima be real and say right now we cant win a race war. It would be some Golden State vs St Johns High School (D.C)

Never know what can be won if not even willing to try.

The way we've been going about this ain't working. I don't have the answer but I know we can't keep doing the same shit over and over and expecting different results.
Nature got no picks. Climate change is natural. There are people already feeling the effects and it ain’t specifically poor people

So greenhouses gasses have nothing to do with climate change?

And poorer folks suddenly have resources to relocate themselves and their families to avoid flooding, stronger hurricanes etc?
Never know what can be won if not even willing to try.

The way we've been going about this ain't working. I don't have the answer but I know we can't keep doing the same shit over and over and expecting different results.

We aint doing the same shit over and over.

And we cant win a race war being such a small % of the population.

Matter of fact. The race war being going on and we losing. But if the want to take to that level we cant win that at all. Not right now
We aint doing the same shit over and over.

And we cant win a race war being such a small % of the population.

Matter of fact. The race war being going on and we losing. But if the want to take to that level we cant win that at all. Not right now

How you figure we not doing the same shit over and over. What's different?

Never know what you can do if you don't try.

It's not a war if only one side is fighting.
I mean I can see what ur saying... but the rollbacks and shit they are doing and ARENT doing with regards to climate change is going to affect EVERYONE... and it's going to affect poorer/disenfranchised folks first...

I know it ain't popular to say, but Ameica ain't biggest polluter. We seem to the most moralistically driven to talk about it, and that's a testament to our country. But our laws just made those perpetrators move to other countries.

So in a sense it is us, but it ain't us, and the roll backs wont do much but make us feel better as people
If you dont see it I cant help you fam

That's a cop out ass answer. Cause what you think you seeing ain't there and the numbers bare that out and its not about how you feel.

Cool we're done.
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I know it ain't popular to say, but Ameica ain't biggest polluter. We seem to the most moralistically driven to talk about it, and that's a testament to our country. But our laws just made those perpetrators move to other countries.

So in a sense it is us, but it ain't us, and the roll backs wont do much but make us feel better as people

No it IS America (and other developed nations) because we have the resources to do better. We damaged the planet plenty when we industrialised and we can't tell developin' nations not to industrialise so America (as self appointment guardian of earth) needs to set pace
No it IS America (and other developed nations) because we have the resources to do better. We damaged the planet plenty when we industrialised and we can't tell developin' nations not to industrialise so America (as self appointment guardian of earth) needs to set pace

If I give u a gun and u rob a store wit it, is it my fault?

Whose to say u wouldn't have used a knife
This what I meant


Crystal clear racism and bigotry...no deniability..when Tucker Carson had to take a break from fox fucking news cause he said white supremacy is a myth..

giphy (3).gif

Sekulow Believes Trump Will Emerge From Impeachment Inquiry Unscathed

To Trump attorney Jay Sekulow, the President’s impeachment inquiry isn’t a big deal.

During his radio show Monday morning, Sekulow denied that the White House is setting up a war room in response to the inquiry, pointing out that the “war room idea” came out of former President Bill Clinton’s impeachment proceedings.

Sekulow also dismissed the idea that Trump’s impeachment inquiry is worth stressing over because the administration had “just went through a real war with Robert Mueller.”

“We did this without the institutionalization of a war room internally,” Sekulow said. “The White House did not have a war room as it was known in the Clinton discussion of how it was set up.”

Sekulow particularly harped over a disproven report from The Federalistclaiming that the intelligence community secretly gutted the requirement for whistleblowers to have “firsthand knowledge” of wrongdoing to file a complaint.

“This mysterious form change on the urgent concern happens to be the same timeframe as the report — what does this tell you, folks?” Sekulow said. “It is ‘here we go again,’ more deep state nonsense, call it what it is: nonsense.”

Sekulow then doubled down on his confidence that the Trump administration will get through the whistleblower scandal unscathed.

“We won the Mueller probe, we’re gonna win this one, here we go,” Sekulow said. “I tell you what. If Mueller was a war, this is a skirmish.”

Trump: ‘We’re Trying To Find Out About A Whistleblower’

Though President Donald Trump has long railed against the unknown whistleblower, he made a marked rhetorical shift Monday when he started characterizing attempts to unmask the person as an actively ongoing process.

“We’re trying to find out about a whistleblower,” he told reporters in the Oval Office.

The whistleblower’s lead attorney, Andrew Bakaj, sent a letter to acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire Saturday underscoring the danger his client would be in, should he be identified. One portion of the letter directly cited Trump’s words, when he alluded to violent treatment of those who committed “treason.”

Bakaj tweeted Monday as Trump was speaking.
