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Extroverts, Explain To Me Like Im Five

Internet confident introverts talkin' like they got it right


You have extrovert confused with overly friendly

Anyway my life experience tells me that strangers enjoy havin' detailed conversations about esoteric shit they thought no one around was in to, and I can provide that in spades.

More time after I speak to a stranger it can be a bit annoyin' cah they don't leave me alone. I don't have a lot of energy any more so I don't do it so often
It’s not a desire for me. I don’t just go in somewhere with a desire to want to speak to people. I don’t monitor my facial expressions when talking because I don’t care enough. I don’t necessarily care about half the shit I talk about honestly, I just talk. Honestly, I don’t care about this conversation right now, I’m just doing it because I’m bored and ain’t got shit else to do right now and you keep responding.
So your extroverted desire is fueled by a desire to express yourself that is so strong it overrides any shame and self awareness
Internet confident introverts talkin' like they got it right


You have extrovert confused with overly friendly

Anyway my life experience tells me that strangers enjoy havin' detailed conversations about esoteric shit they thought no one around was in to, and I can provide that in spades.

More time after I speak to a stranger it can be a bit annoyin' cah they don't leave me alone. I don't have a lot of energy any more so I don't do it so often
I wouldn't say internet confident, more so internet extroverted, I'm naturally confident..even to the extent of over confidence. When I have to be extroverted for a particular purpose, I'm so charming I leave people talking about the experience for years..

But I can only maintain this form but for so long

What is it in you that drives your desire to speak to people? I'm an introvert, but not because I lack confidence to speak to others. Speaking to and with others feels like more of a chore than fun. How is it fun for you? Do you break out in sweats when you havent spoken to someone in an hour?

What drives you to enter a room and spark up a convo with first person you see? What's it like not to play the wall? Explain to me like I'm five..
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how do you exist ?

lol @ "break out in sweats when you havent spoken to someone in an hour?"

As i have gotten older i try not to talk to ppl who dont watch the news or dont stay up on current events

And i try to avoid niggas who play 2k, madden and call of duty all day
Nobody losing their marbles because they are dying to speak to people. Well not me. That’s a little crazy.
I like making people laugh.

It entertains me to say stuff that people find funny. I do it here, I do it in real life.

But I was also raised an only child... So I can be by myself and be fine. ??‍♂️