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Yo that kill where Chris used ol boys body to break another dudes neck???
Hopper put hands on Thor
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Ahh there should be a couple gifs b4 that when he first started whooping both of their asses that should be dope
Netflix using white protagonist to tell foreign stories again, eh.
Cool flick, till the last part.
I wasn't sold on how they killed him, but I guess they had to do it for plot.
I didn't think this was anything like man on fire

But great movie

Gonna start a thread tomorrow if I can remember
In what way?
dunno lol, we don’t have big actors or big budget movies from there so when we found out that it was based partly in dhaka, pretty much every bangladeshi dude i knew got exicted to watch it (even though they only took plateshots and filmed the majority of the film in india/thailand)
Shit was pretty badass. I loved the camera angles during the action scenes. Tbh one of the first action films I've enjoyed outside of a comicbook film in years