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Evictions to hit 750,000 households, Goldman says


Evictions to hit 750,000 households, Goldman says

The findings that Goldman released mark one of the first comprehensive estimates of what could happen in the absence of the eviction moratorium.


Housing advocates protest on the eviction moratorium in New York in August. | Brittainy Newman/AP Photo


08/30/2021 12:22 PM EDT

Updated: 08/30/2021 05:22 PM EDT

About 750,000 renter households will likely lose their homes this year after the Supreme Court blocked the federal eviction moratorium, according to Goldman Sachs economists.

Analysts at the investment bank estimate that tenants owe between $12 billion and $17 billion to landlords as Covid-19 cases surge, with about 2.5 million to 3.5 million households behind on rent.

The findings that Goldman released late Sunday mark one of the first comprehensive estimates of what could happen in the absence of the eviction moratorium, which was stopped as state and local governments continued to experience bottlenecks in the delivery of $46.5 billion in federal rental assistance.

Given the slow pace of rental aid disbursement, Goldman's analysts expect that between 1 million and 2 million households will remain without support and at risk of eviction when the remaining state and local eviction bans expire at the end of September. The economists based their findings on rent delinquency data from real estate companies, the National Multifamily Housing Council and the U.S. Census Bureau.

“The strength of the housing and rental market suggests landlords will try to evict tenants who are delinquent on rent unless they obtain federal assistance,” the Goldman analysts said. “And evictions could be particularly pronounced in cities hardest hit by the [pandemic crisis], since apartment markets are actually tighter in those cities.”

Democratic lawmakers have called for congressional action in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to halt the ban late Thursday, but it’s unlikely they will be able to muster the votes to craft their own eviction moratorium. The Biden administration is turning its attention to putting pressure on state and local governments and courts to shield tenants.

Attorney General Merrick Garland on Monday warned that eviction filings would double their pre-pandemic level in the coming weeks and months, as he urged lawyers to do what they could to help keep people housed.

“Volunteer with your local legal aid provider or join your law school’s clinical program,” he said in a video message to lawyers and law students. “People are needed to provide legal counseling or representation to tenants as they apply for rental assistance, mediate disputes with landlords or litigate eviction filings in court. ... You can make a difference.”

Just over 10 percent of federal rental assistance funds had been disbursed by the end of July, according to the Treasury Department. The sluggish delivery of aid has prompted affordable housing groups to complain that the programs have been too focused on fraud and to accuse governors and mayors of bias.

Garland, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Marcia Fudge urged governors, mayors and county executives to enact their own eviction bans in letters on Friday. The Cabinet secretaries also pressed the officials to work with courts to require landlords to apply for emergency rental assistance before evicting and to pause eviction proceedings while applications for aid were pending.

Just six states and the District of Columbia currently have their own eviction bans in place, and another 10 states have enacted some form of tenant protections as they distribute aid. In states without protections, courts are likely to be flooded with eviction filings in the coming weeks.
They been hittin folks with 5 and 7 day notices out here since the end of May. Gotta wonder if any of that could be considered illegal seeing as how the fed moratorium is still in place.
This shit is fucked up.

The govt gotta stop letting this turn into homeowners vs tenants and try to do something to fix it.

This aint normal circumstances. There is a global pandemic going on that lead to this, so fucking do something about it.

This is really all there is to it

89% of states are sitting on money.


The states are gonna have to come up off of that money now.

Should've done it a long time ago, but they'll do it now because they don't want the evicted people to become a tax burden to the state.

Hopefully common sense prevails, because it makes more sense for them to use federal money than local/state tax revenue.

89% of states are sitting on money.


yeah, this is a huuuge problem out here. Folks been gettin served with 5 day notices left and right since the last week of May but the majority already applied for housing assistance last year and prolly still haven't even been so much as assigned a social worker yet.
