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ESPN: The Last Dance ('98 Bulls Doc)

He was wrong as fuck..Now he didnt have to be Ali but given his considerable power/ influence him choosing to only to influence niggas consumerism is a dissappointment to say the least ... He could have been more.
I see this point, but the sad part in all of this that everyone is overlooking, is Ol Boy was a blatant racist. That alone should have made black voters in NC line up. But cats blaming a basketball player for not doing a PSA as the reason dude won. Niggas needed Mike to do an infomercial to say " I think I need to get up off this couch". SMDH
Almost forgot. How the fuck Horace Grant going to call the Pistons bitches when he let Jordan take his dinner on the team plane. Jordan told that nigga he played so terrible he didn't deserve an in-flight meal and Grant didn't do shit about it.

Hahahaha...what!..is this a real story? I heard a story about one of Jordan's teammates having a horrible shot and they walked into the practice facility w a brown paper bag lunch and Jordan said "hope your wife packed you a jumper in there" or something to that effect...etherous
Im not saying they would have

but if MJ had not left the Bulls had a legitimate chance to win 8 straight

while MJ was getting burnt out

had he still played and not left that killer instinct and alpha competitive nature he had...we still would have gotten his best...