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ESPN: The Last Dance ('98 Bulls Doc)



Hmmm......yea sounds like bullshit. It was talked about at the time that Rodman had been drinking when they found him. He passed out in the car and when he awoke police coached him out the vehicle. Also this wasn't the only attempt. Craig Sager talked him out of killing himself on a different occasion in '93. He had married Annie in '92 and divorced in '93, in her book she says he cheated on her pretty consistently. So all this super simp broken heart bullshit I ain't buying it. He didn't **get** traded Nigga demanded a trade and **was** traded. He wasn't fucking with the organization after Chuck Daly left. If he was bout to end it all on 2 separate occasions it ain't because of her it's cuz he was losing his shit......period
In terms of the Dream Team shit. Mike saying he didn't want Isaiah Thomas should've held some weight.

Pippen shouldn't have had any say so about that because that nigga wasn't worthy to have that kind of say so in regards to a player like Isaiah.

Funny how nobody has shit to say about the white ass boston celtics walking off the floor before the game was over against the pistons but so many people for years still bitching and moaning about the black detroit pistons doing it.
Honestly, if I was Mike, I'd feel like a real live bitch nigga for keeping Isiah off the Dream Team. I dunno, man. Niggas seem to be condoning the shit. Makes me uneasy.
It’s obvious, Jordan was the new kid on the block with force. He garnered all the attention, rightfully so. The NBA stars then didn’t like it.

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