yet you talk shit about me talking shit about them same people.Are y’all gonna talk to the gangbangers and make them get her? You’re asking criminals to care about our people and the community they shoot up. You’re asking the selfish to not be selfish.
i also dont go around killing people over petty shit nor do i act like jail is nothing to me.White woman gets away with crime due to white privilege in a mostly white country hidden by white folks for decades. But who is to blame for her being alive???
Gang members in KY. Niggas will find a way to blame niggas for not doing the shit they would never do. Goofy
yet you talk shit about me talking shit about them same people.
pick a side
so now you want to expand the conversation to be right?You can’t expect the selfish and the criminals to care about the people. You hate drug dealers but love Jayz for some reason despite that fake woke shit he be on. Being selfish is part of capitalism is it not? Let’s go deeper you say you want folks to be about community but stated you had no problem if the mother of your child got her asx beat by some dude and etc. So what is this soapbox really about
so now you want to expand the conversation to be right?
did i not say a man who changes his life should be applauded regardless? hes trying to build up his community and repay for the hurt he caused. and you are doing what?
so yes, i would not put myself in harms way for a person who put me in harms way. kinda sense does that make? oh, but guess what hellczar forgot...the post of me saying i opened up my swiss apartment for a woman who was being abused or that i help house abused women....oh, wait...this not going your way or fitting the now huh?
and is capitalism selfish? it can be. am i a capitist, yes, but i also give a shit load back and help many people., even on this site you dont know about so...third're out
dont talk shit about half facts is what my soapbox is about...and thats all you and quite a few others do.....speak on half stories and and half facts then when called out wanna switch it up.
you answer with stupid answer to open ended questions...because your mind is fucked up.
i just found out that Rod Serling(creator of twilight zone) was gonna do an Emmett Till movie but it got shut down cuz no studio wanted to touch it due to the backlash at the time (go figure) so he ended up making TZ instead so he could put in stories that spoke of the times.
Fuck your opinionyou help abused women but in the same forum say women lie about being victims as we saw with mystikal as we saw with Bill. And bro it’s cool you helped some people do you need kudos for being a good person? You way more invested in my opinion of you that I am when it comes to your opinion of me. We are all complex people. Maybe you thinking most women victims are lying but also building shelters for them and then saying all bms are the devil is your complexity
Fuck your opinion
I just understand how slander works and how niggas dint do research. They go off what a nigga says. So when you say dumb shit you will be corrected.
fuck ya kudos too
You stay talking shit then when you shut down you act like the typical hating ass nigga and say shit like You bragging or want props for being a good person…but you want to point out how I ain’t shit and that’s ok?
man fuck you
Y’all see this clown?
Dude too obsessed with trying to show I ain’t shit.
I have a stalker.
can I speak to management?
See this is a cop out.
why does the person who points it out do it, vs the people who don’t care who they shot or kill?
Dude are literally out shooting up places where black people are but it’s too much to ask to have that same energy for those that hurt us?
This is why the streets getting clowned now.
If I was a gang member who lived in Kentucky, I would.
Where are THEY at?
If I was a gang member who lived in Kentucky, I would.
Where are THEY at?
Good…tired of the black trauma porn genre
"This is a win for justice, this is a win for the Emmett Till family."
Can someone explain this one to me? I don't see any justice or wins from just finding the old bag and taking a couple of pics.
This is such an overused phrase