That tweet had nothing to do with your problem with that guy. Yet you're saying no one should listen to anything he has to say, bc of some other shit he's done, that again, has nothing to do with the tweet itself. No you're not asking for a ban, u just dismissed discussing something plausible bc u don't like the guy. Regardless how well your reasoning. It's the lite version of what Twitter do.
U wanna explain how maybe the tweet doesn't make sense in the realm of stock exchange and he doesn't know what he's talking about and why? Go for it. I'd prefer to know if he's talking out his ass.
I never said I was neutral. I never said I have no bias. Clearly every human being on earth does. I do, u do as well. I just don't think anyone should be censored over their views aside from anything criminal. I can also read/listen/hear something said from someone I don't like without losing my mind and possibly.....even.......agree......if it's true.