Not really. Not all free speech should be allowed just under the guise of free speech.
Like the govt cant come and arrest you for having your own science. And they shouldnt be allowed too.
With that said, a platform like twitter shouldnt allow mfers to come with their "Covid is a punishment from God" and take Horse Dewormer for it cause they getting paid by pharmecuticals under the table.
At some point, you gotta limit the reach of mfers that are saying some super dangerous shit.
And Musk gonna do the opposite.
That’s a policy decision each and every platform has to make on its own but I have no issue with any platform that wants to be completely hands off
I have no choice but to have an issue with it cause the shit has violent ramifications.
For example, in the height of the whole Islamic Terorrism attacks, internet forums were being used to radicalize mfers by people over seas. And then a few months later, there were shootings, explosions, etc and people died.
Twitter is being used by white supremacists now for the same reason.
Twitter as a company blocks thousands of accounts trying to do this daily.
If Musk goes completely hands off, shits gonna be a breeding ground of fundamentalists trying to brainwash mfers that can have violent ramifications.
I cant sit here and think thats ok.
We all want free speech. But you cant let mfers spread Hitlers ideology just cause you want free speech.
And all these mfers thats complaining about Twitter not allowing free speech are way more closely aligned with Hitler than with Nelson Mandela.
What they do with the algorithms to filter out info you disagree with and reinforce echo chambers is FAR more sinister than the general free speech issue…the “bad opinions” need to be held up directly against all the others
might be a wrap for me using Twitter.