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ELLEN PAGE from JUNO, is now Transgender! "ELLIOT PAGE"

Nigga. Read. I specifically asked is he just now deciding to refer to himself as a he or is he transitioning to becoming an actual male.

You don't get to run to the media then ask for discretion. You had that.

You acting like I'm doing something wrong by asking the question tho.

Can't win. If I ignore it I'm ignorant, if I say it's weird I'm intolerant, if I try to understand and ask questions its none of my business lol.

idk. if he decides to tell us, cool. if not, thats cool too.

stop trying to get ppl to come out or transition on "your time or what makes sense to you." they gotta do them.

yes, i too dont fully understand it. i have uninformed opinions, but it aint that serious.
idk. if he decides to tell us, cool. if not, thats cool too.

stop trying to get ppl to come out or transition on "your time or what makes sense to you." they gotta do them.

yes, i too dont fully understand it. i have uninformed opinions, but it aint that serious.

Lol. What? How am I trying to get this nigga to transition or come out on my time?

It's free to stfu if you don't have any answers.

You trying your best to villainize me just to in the end say "i don't know". So why you even speaking on it?
I think we can draw the line at inanimate objects



Someone has already came out and "identified" as broccoli. Stuff like this will be supported. Or else your "phobic" or "discriminatory".


Man who identifies as broccoli torn apart on Good Morning Britain as Piers Morgan brands him ‘an idiot’

Mr Broccoli, who was arrested at the Animal Rebellion protest on Sunday but released without charge, explained to the presenter and co-host Susanna Reid that his job is ‘to just grow’ and his aim is to see a transition to a ‘plant-based food system’.

Man Who Identifies As Broccoli Clashes With Host On Good Morning Britain

A man who calls himself Mr. Broccoli and identifies as the self-named vegetable was arrested at an animal protest event on Sunday. He was later released without being charged with a crime, and he appeared on the Good Morning Britain television program to talk about the incident.

Someone has already came out and "identified" as broccoli. Stuff like this will be supported. Or else your "phobic" or "discriminatory".


Man who identifies as broccoli torn apart on Good Morning Britain as Piers Morgan brands him ‘an idiot’

Mr Broccoli, who was arrested at the Animal Rebellion protest on Sunday but released without charge, explained to the presenter and co-host Susanna Reid that his job is ‘to just grow’ and his aim is to see a transition to a ‘plant-based food system’.

Man Who Identifies As Broccoli Clashes With Host On Good Morning Britain

A man who calls himself Mr. Broccoli and identifies as the self-named vegetable was arrested at an animal protest event on Sunday. He was later released without being charged with a crime, and he appeared on the Good Morning Britain television program to talk about the incident.


technically, broccoli is a plant

& plants are living things


So....... if someone already asked this question I apologize.

But, will he claim discrimination when his movie role's start to dry up? Is it right for him to play role's intended for females, now?
Trans be out here like, “I was ‘assigned’ male (or female) at birth.”

...but it be the actual gender they was born as though

Like what are talking about
may be corona. may just be an asshole. but I'm getting tired of these announcements. I guess the bigger the name, the more notice it gets but I'm at the point where I really just tired of hearing this.

Don't mind me. just getting old.

I agree with you. I think we just have to understand that these announcements aren't to combat people like us who don't give a shit. These announcements are to combat the people that are actively trying to oppose these people living the lives they want to live.
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I agree with you. I think we just have to understand that these announcements are to combat people like us who don't give a shit. These announcements are to combat the people that are actively trying to oppose these people living the lives they want to live.

I have no problem with them living they life any way they please. Just tired of feeling like I'm supposed to pretend to care they getting their organs rearranged. wish someone would just disappear for a year and come back like "surprise, I'm a man now!"
i think there might be some legitimacy to the idea that people with personality disorders (eccentric, neurotic types) might be more prone to making these unusual decisions about their gender and identity... but it's valid enough to view this as a lifestyle preference taken to an extreme rather than it being an illness 100% of the time.

i mean, surely there's enough evidence of trans people who are completely mentally OK in every aspect of their being. Who can transition and go about their life in a normal way (that is, if ignorant ppl don't needlessly make life worse for them).