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ELLEN PAGE from JUNO, is now Transgender! "ELLIOT PAGE"

Already a thing


Already a thing dog...
*Drum roll*

I kno

but it's not seen as or respected like transgenders

most folks would call them "freaks" & not be reprimanded, unlike if they said it bout trans-people
but in all seriousness

I've asked this before & can never get a straight (no pun) answer

where's the line drawn, if there is one?

so transitioning genders is cool but, is that where it stops?

can we not transition species as well?

what if I always felt my true being is a canine & I shit in your yard then hump your wife's leg, you jus gotta respect it?
Somebody people identify as attack helicopter.
Is she trans as in she just now referring to herself as a man or trans as he now transitioning his pumpum to a dick?

Can the nigga fight? Elliot got hands to defend it?
No hate, but this is the mental illness the APA tried to keep us away from.

If you think this is hate or discrimination, you should read up on the history of the rainbow community because they cheated to get this far. Also, the doctor who got this transgender issue to be considered a success, actually was a failure. His name was Dr. J Money and even Oprah called his work a failure cause his patient dimed him out and even tried to get his d*ck re-attached after he learned about the lies he was told by his family and Dr. Money.

There's a lot more to follow this transgender non-sense as well. This is just the surface.
come on bruh


That was a serious question. Even tho I worded it like a fool. Like is she taking testosterone and having surgeries? Or you just want to be addressed as a man cause that's how you feeling?

The definitions of this shit have changed so much over the years it's legit confusing.

Either way. Mental illness being overlooked.
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That was a serious question. Even tho I worded it like a fool. Like is she taking testosterone and having surgeries? Or you just want to be addressed as a man cause that's how you feeling?

The definitions of this shit have changed so much over the years it's legit confusing.

Either way. Mental illness being overlooked.

i dont kno. and its non of our bizness. he seems sincere about the whole situation, so i respect.
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Nah nah... Elliott made it our business. I didn't give af until that nigga brought it up. Now I want to know exactly what he's saying because I'm confused.

It's funny mfs on one hand will say niggas intolerant then when you ask the legitimate question it's none of your business. Fohwtbs.
Nah nah... Elliott made it our business. I didn't give af until that nigga brought it up. Now I want to know exactly what he's saying because I'm confused.

It's funny mfs on one hand will say niggas intolerant then when you ask the legitimate question it's none of your business. Fohwtbs.

come on bruh. it aint that deep. he was born a female. But has always "felt" like a boy.

foh bout you confused. ppl feeling like the opposite sex aint nuthin new. we jus called females "tom boys" back in the day. and the males were labeled "soft".

he is a celeb, so of course she made a social media post about it. but any other details are not our bizness
come on bruh. it aint that deep. he was born a female. But has always "felt" like a boy.

foh bout you confused. ppl feeling like the opposite sex aint nuthin new. we jus called females "tom boys" back in the day. and the males were labeled "soft".

he is a celeb, so of course she made a social media post about it. but any other details are not our bizness

Nigga. Read. I specifically asked is he just now deciding to refer to himself as a he or is he transitioning to becoming an actual male.

You don't get to run to the media then ask for discretion. You had that.

You acting like I'm doing something wrong by asking the question tho.

Can't win. If I ignore it I'm ignorant, if I say it's weird I'm intolerant, if I try to understand and ask questions its none of my business lol.
come on bruh. it aint that deep. he was born a female. But has always "felt" like a boy.

foh bout you confused. ppl feeling like the opposite sex aint nuthin new. we jus called females "tom boys" back in the day. and the males were labeled "soft".

he is a celeb, so of course she made a social media post about it. but any other details are not our bizness


you can't even keep up w/ this shit
