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Do you think people have to believe in God to be good humans?

the good or bad traits of someone doesnt have anything to do with God. lol i stopped calling myself a good person because i make grand mistakes. so i don't pretend to be something that im not. saying that im a "good person" is just too definite for me. and "good" is just too big of a standard for my humanly form to live up to.

however I'm a whole person. im a real person & all the things that have transpired in my life have contributed to my wholeness. they have contributed to my evolution. so no, im not a "good" person my personhood is way too complex in my opinon
Religion will send you on a first class ticket to HELL!

Religion doesn't save you!

Religion says: "do this, do that, and the third..... so that you can please God"

Jesus Christ says : "IT IS FINISHED!"

Now rest in Him so that you can be forgiven of ALL your sins, and thus live forever!

How hard is that to do?

So easy, but yet so hard for so many because they think that they can be GOOD ENOUGH to be accepted by God on the day they stand before Him.

SMH @ the hard lesson most will have for all eternity because they refused to rest in Jesus Christ

Just SMH.......
Literally, all you have to do is confess that you are NOT a good person (we are all sinners) and ask Jesus to forgive you by accepting Him as your Savior!

I mean how easier can God make it for us?

He did all the work and yet people are still trying to justify themselves as being "good"

Just SMH.

No wonder HELL has enlarged itself without measure!

And everybody who thinks that they're good will bust it wide open when they turn back to dust.

SMH @ the foolishness of man.

So easy to be saved, but yet so hard for most because of foolish pride!

Just doesn't make any sense......
I kno I've said it on here before

but at the end of the day, no matter what title you want to label yourself (christian, Muslim, democrat, republican, doctor, preacher, "good" or "bad")

you're either righteous or wicked

righteousness is love & truth, wickedness is hate & lies

so either you're spreadin love & tellin the truth or you're hatin & lyin
Nah. Christians are some of the nastiest hypocritical people I've met personally.

Also, is a person truly good if they are seeking a reward (heaven) for being good natured? No.

Good is relative to each person and whatever environment that developed their conscience.

I'm not a atheist. That's just what I believe.
Religion will send you on a first class ticket to HELL!

Religion doesn't save you!

Religion says: "do this, do that, and the third..... so that you can please God"

Jesus Christ says : "IT IS FINISHED!"

Now rest in Him so that you can be forgiven of ALL your sins, and thus live forever!

How hard is that to do?

So easy, but yet so hard for so many because they think that they can be GOOD ENOUGH to be accepted by God on the day they stand before Him.

SMH @ the hard lesson most will have for all eternity because they refused to rest in Jesus Christ

Just SMH.......
Literally, all you have to do is confess that you are NOT a good person (we are all sinners) and ask Jesus to forgive you by accepting Him as your Savior!

I mean how easier can God make it for us?

He did all the work and yet people are still trying to justify themselves as being "good"

Just SMH.

No wonder HELL has enlarged itself without measure!

And everybody who thinks that they're good will bust it wide open when they turn back to dust.

SMH @ the foolishness of man.

So easy to be saved, but yet so hard for most because of foolish pride!

Just doesn't make any sense......

there’s being religious and following beliefs, being able to converse and have an open discussion about each religions without bias or hatred.

then there’s, people who try and force religion on others to the point it dissuades people from showing any interest in the topic at all.

you are the latter in this scenario
there’s being religious and following beliefs, being able to converse and have an open discussion about each religions without bias or hatred.

then there’s, people who try and force religion on others to the point it dissuades people from showing any interest in the topic at all.

you are the latter in this scenario
It’s your soul, not mine.

I don’t speak religion. I speak truth. If you don’t want it? So be it!

it’s your soul, not mine.
End of discussion.

Read the Old Testament again. God kinda is a gigantic asshole.

I mean, literally causing a 40 day/night flood to kill EVERYONE is pretty much genocide, right?

Yea. I kno. Thats god tho.

Not jesus. Jesus is supppsed to be a cooler cat

The very 1st version of "good cop. Bad cop" LOL
absolutely not
Correct answer..

Some people dont even really truly believe in god. They just fake the funk....ie all those god fearing crackers who create"god" in their image which is just a manifestation of white supremacy....

Just one example...of many like preachers, priest, parishoners who willfully sin and use church service/as proverbial febreze
The difference between humans and other animals is that we have free will

Animals, by and large simply procreate. That's their primary function. They can't be "good" because they weren't designed to be
I would say it more reasoning,complex thoughts... meanwhile they are purely instinctive
It’s your soul, not mine.

I don’t speak religion. I speak truth. If you don’t want it? So be it!

it’s your soul, not mine.
End of discussion.



I can't get jiggy with that. If somebody is living an unrighteous way of life it can have a profound effect on me. Like if another person chooses to hold me at gunpoint and rob me. While it may be that person's soul that goes to hell, I can't allow evil people to exist because it can have a negative effect on me.

People can lie, cheat and steal and it has a negative effect on you, so it is important to try to get people to live a righteous life, not necessarily for their own sake, but for the people they come in contact with.

In order to be a good human, you have to make some effort to convert otherwise evil people that have a negative effect on the people they come in contact with.

Having said that, I'm not sure if evil is learned behavior, or if it's something that comes naturally.