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Do you think people have to believe in God to be good humans?

I had a to take a drug test for this job, had everybody around me informing me on how to use someone else piss to pass cause I felt I might pop dirty as I smoked weed less that 30 days before. After so thought, I felt uneasy about it. I asked myself why I feel uneasy, and it was because I felt it was dishonest. Normally that wouldn’t have bothered me in the past, but being closer to god, it’s made me a much more honest person. So I said fuck it, if I’m not gonna get this job, I’m not gonna get it on my own terms and do the honest thing and just piss in the cup.

got the job dawg..


what can’t he do
If we are aware of what we are doing, saying and thinking, it becomes difficult to "sin". Imo it's why Jesus was "sinless"(err free, never missed the mark once) cuz he was aware 100% of the time of everything he was doing, saying and thinking. Surely an impossible feat for a mere mortal! It's why we'll never be perfect also, but it's doesn't mean we shouldn't try! Practice makes better, not perfect 😉
I dont think its that hard to be a good person.

Like you dont need code of conduct.

I think causing pain causes you pain, so you try to not do it.

Its human to feel the suffering of others. And thats why we try to not hurt others.

I dont think a written, thought out code of conduct is necessary for that.

Or better yet, god aint necessary for that.

Codes of morals were written way before any modern religion and they were almost the same as ones that came out of modern religions.

So i dont think religion or god is required for us to have moral codes and a code of conduct.

This. No need to overcomplicate the shit.
I'm not religious but this my interpretation:

I think there are a lot of misconceptions of God, whether u believe in him or not.

It's not about being better than or holier than. U understand nothing u can do will make u 'good' bc u are corrupted w sin in birth until death.

So in understanding that means u willingly follow, practice discipline, have faith and serve even though u know it doesn't mean u deserve or will get good/nice things.

For any man to think he's 'good' in the eyes of God is against God's teaching bc it's prideful and pride is sinful.

Doing good things bc u genuinely have a 'good' heart means u would do it even if it hurts u not bc it makes u feel good or makes others think highly of u.

And being faithful to serving God is more meaningful when u do it when there's no reason to or rather every reason not to. Which is tested through your most difficult trials that we all have to go through time and time again.

We aren't expected to never fall off, it's guaranteed we will bc we are sinners and will sin again. That's why we don't deserve mercy, we are given it by God's grace, which is determined by your 'works' on earth thru free will.

Sorry for the wall of text 😅
I have a choice to listen to it or not
Freewill and conscience are two separate things. One is understanding right from wrong and the other is your ability to choose right from wrong.

If you do not understand right from wrong you cannot be held accountable for choosing/doing wrong because you lack the capacity to understand why its wrong. Like animals.
I'm not religious but this my interpretation:

I think there are a lot of misconceptions of God, whether u believe in him or not.

It's not about being better than or holier than. U understand nothing u can do will make u 'good' bc u are corrupted w sin in birth until death.

So in understanding that means u willingly follow, practice discipline, have faith and serve even though u know it doesn't mean u deserve or will get good/nice things.

For any man to think he's 'good' in the eyes of God is against God's teaching bc it's prideful and pride is sinful.

Doing good things bc u genuinely have a 'good' heart means u would do it even if it hurts u not bc it makes u feel good or makes others think highly of u.

And being faithful to serving God is more meaningful when u do it when there's no reason to or rather every reason not to. Which is tested through your most difficult trials that we all have to go through time and time again.

We aren't expected to never fall off, it's guaranteed we will bc we are sinners and will sin again. That's why we don't deserve mercy, we are given it by God's grace, which is determined by your 'works' on earth thru free will.

Sorry for the wall of text 😅
My understanding of Freewill is this. My will is free. And it is free because it comes without restrictions or conditions, unlike the other phony "freewill" which is actually just choice, passed off as Freewill.

It is my will to want a coffee with 4 cream and 1.5 sugar. And it's not a damn thing anyone can do to change that or take that away from me. Mf couldn't even kill me to take that will for that coffee away. That is how your will is free and untouchable.

The other freewill is mere choice(right or wrong) which clearly has restrictions and conditions, which negate the free part, so obviously a phony FREEwill.
How can the part exist without/outside the whole? People I think need to start from scratch about what or who god is. Imo, anything after GOD IS, you're fucking up. Just stop there, God is. And the rest will follow. Again, imo. Let "god" show you, don't need a book, however, won't ever ever ever hear me say religious books don't have tons of truth in them.
Yea I used to believe that...I drifted along with that belief for a while before eventually being lead back to the Bible after several strange coincidences, and now, I don't dare step outside that when it come to which belief system I try let govern my life.
Freewill and conscience are two separate things. One is understanding right from wrong and the other is your ability to choose right from wrong.

If you do not understand right from wrong you cannot be held accountable for choosing/doing wrong because you lack the capacity to understand why its wrong. Like animals.
Great counter
Yea I used to believe that...I drifted along with that belief for a while before eventually being lead back to the Bible after several strange coincidences, and now I don't go outside of that when trying to learn anything pertaining to theology.
What back before when I jumped on the "fast track" as they call it*, I man I used to take with about Bible stuff knew I was collecting books like a mf. He gave me one about One Book. I of course can't find it in Google especially on mobile cuz it brings up a bunch of shit that's not what I'm looking for. But it was a guy who spent his time reading all these books to eventually just go back to the Bible and kinda regret filling his head with all this other shit when the Bible was all he needed. Someday I feel that, most days I'm livid I still can't learn by osmosis.
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Do some of yall think the world would be a better place without religion?

The fear of the unknown is what keeps some people in line. Once people know there are no consequences for their actions, there would be an uprise in terrible people. Not everyone but a lot of people
Do some of yall think the world would be a better place without religion?

The fear of the unknown is what keeps some people in line. Once people know there are no consequences for their actions, there would be an uprise in terrible people. Not everyone but a lot of people

Yes I do think it would be. Organized religion specifically.

There will always be beliefs and faiths tho.. because we wont ever know EVERYTHING so theres wiggle room for interpretation on why things are the way they are...

I dont agree with the fear of the unknown being what keeps people "in line". If that were true then the people that didnt believe would be the ones committing all the crimes and doing all the horrible shit in the world as opposed to the people that actually believe.
Yes I do think it would be. Organized religion specifically.

There will always be beliefs and faiths tho.. because we wont ever know EVERYTHING so theres wiggle room for interpretation on why things are the way they are...

I dont agree with the fear of the unknown being what keeps people "in line". If that were true then the people that didnt believe would be the ones committing all the crimes and doing all the horrible shit in the world as opposed to the people that actually believe.
I dont know man. Just an interesting thought I some times think about. Im not saying everyone. Im saying a good portion of people. Atrocities are committed by both believers and non-believers, no question. But I think there would be more terrible people if they knew there were no repercussions for their actions.

Think of it this way. If you lived in a town where there were no laws and everybody governed themselves, would there be a high percentage of good people not doing wrong? A lot of people fear jail so that keeps some from doing crimes that will put them there.
I dont know man. Just an interesting thought I some times think about. Im not saying everyone. Im saying a good portion of people. Atrocities are committed by both believers and non-believers, no question. But I think there would be more terrible people if they knew there were no repercussions for their actions.

Think of it this way. If you lived in a town where there were no laws and everybody governed themselves, would there be a high percentage of good people not doing wrong? A lot of people fear jail so that keeps some from doing crimes that will put them there.

I hear ya... Jail and an afterlife are two completely different things tho. One is a reality and the other is... maybe a possibility.

I just dont know if the afterlife is a big enough deterrent to steer someone that obviously wants to be an asshole... from being an asshole lol
I dont think its that hard to be a good person.

Like you dont need code of conduct.

I think causing pain causes you pain, so you try to not do it.

Its human to feel the suffering of others. And thats why we try to not hurt others.

I dont think a written, thought out code of conduct is necessary for that.

Or better yet, god aint necessary for that.

Codes of morals were written way before any modern religion and they were almost the same as ones that came out of modern religions.

So i dont think religion or god is required for us to have moral codes and a code of conduct.

There are too many shitty people in the world for you to take the stance that it's easy to be a good person. lol

Empathy isn't always enough to push people to be good. Maybe stealing from someone that is already hurting would make you feel bad enough that you wouldn't do it, but would you feel that same way about someone who was comfortable? Would it make stealing alright because in your estimation the victim wasn't really hurt too much?

Those are the kinda traps that people with no moral code fall into it. Their ethics are wishy washy, and I don't personally think you can say a person like that is truly good.