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Do you cuss at your kids?

My mother made me tear up today, she pointed out how I am with my daughter and how she’s able to express her feelings, thoughts, and emotions without thinking twice.

I mean..I didn’t get that growing up at all so I enjoy watching my child be free to express herself.

It’s also sad how we’re raised to see abuse as normal. How it shapes us as adults when it comes to communication, feelings, etc.
My mother made me tear up today, she pointed out how I am with my daughter and how she’s able to express her feelings, thoughts, and emotions without thinking twice.

I mean..I didn’t get that growing up at all so I enjoy watching my child be free to express herself.

It’s also sad how we’re raised to see abuse as normal. How it shapes us as adults when it comes to communication, feelings, etc.

Family power dynamics among most African and Afro-descendant nuclear families are spiritually and psychically debilitating, self-destructive and all-consuming in regard to which status we have within the family structure.

No wonder why African Americans are statistically reported as slightly more positively prompt into showing narcisstic Machiavellian traits than the average American (which doesn't means than white Americans are less prompt into antisocial disorder traits: according the survey, black Americans are simply notting a little higher than an already toxic average standard. Sociohistorical context and economic struggles has assumed to be the major factors that correlates with their rather high percentage) -- which is just funny because academical surveys keep saying than black people in U.S.A. are the most undervelopped population group IQ. wise, yet every tenant in Psychology reckons than people showing above-average tier or higher Machiavellian traits are usually gifted people (above-average IQ and beyond i.e. 107-15+ IQ) and high-functional sociopaths (who are either greatly gifted-- like 130+ of IQ, or literal geniuses e.g. 160+ IQ) . I bet my two cents we will find rather similar responses across the whole black diaspora and Africa as well.
I hate seeing parents cuss at their kids. It makes my skin crawl and its abusive asf in my opinion. Do you cuss at your children? were you cussed at as a child?
why is cursing abusive?

Besides some racial slur that has history ,what's the difference between the word shit and the word boat

Those are only "bad" words because somebody said they were bad.

The whole concept of certain words being "bad" has always been weird to me.

Kids be bad.I ain't got none,but I know I would cuss my bad ass kid out.
i have when they got big.....never when they was young.

once i figured out why i was so frustrated at them.......i sat them both down and explained it to them, why i was an ass and apologized. even set up some therapy sessions to show them i wanted to be a better person and parent for them.

but because of the circumstances.....it kinda worked against me.

it was a long hard road.
One night I overheard my mama say “fuckin asshole”

Guess why they called her to come get me from kindergarten the next day?

One of my earliest memories...

Sitting at the kitchen table eating raisin bran. She was walking out the kitchen and i repeated something i obv heard from her and my dad arguing and fighting. It had fuck or bitch in it, don't really recall.

But what i remember vividly is getting up off the floor and the bowl and cereal was everywhere
Yes I have cussed around em, but never at them just for the fuck of it. If they get in trouble, big trouble yes I’m gonna cuss. My kids older now so cussing around them isn’t as big a deal to me than when they were little.
My lil one repeats everything n just like the next person I curse without realizing it sometimes.

She picked up a word or two (shit, damn ?) but I would never curse at her bad terrible 2's ass.
A parent who says they have not cussed at their child at all is a liar imo.

I've never cussed at my kids. Whether, I cuss or not really depends on who I'm around. I don't cuss around my parents or other family members that don't like those words either.

Words aside, no matter how mad I get at my kids I'm not going to go at them in the same way that I'd go at an adult that I'm mad at. That's weird to me.
Ain’t got kids and I gotta notoriously foul mouth, but I watch around kids...

...watch ya mouf in fronna dem chirren nah.
