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DJ Akademiks: "I always wanted a bad REDBONE, but only attract DARK skin chicks with ugly faces"

You can have a preference to like red bones , yellas or whatever but in our community the dilemma around colorism makes what we say about it more magnified for criticism because there's a long standing obligation we should be for our own. I think black people are open people it's in our nature. But slavery has made us conscious of color.

If a chick say she prefer a dude from a certain type of culture it's not seen in the same light as a nigga saying he likes yellas or white girls. The person on both sides could genuinely have a preference devoid of racism and not be a coon but in our community it's just different. I know a red bone who prefers Muslim men and dates a lot of Arabic dudes, she'd date any race but she has a preference for Muslim men.

It's a problem when ppl choose color because they view one as being better than the other.
Muslim =/= Middle Eastern. sorry, pet peeve.
Yeah akademiks is mad insecure, still remember when Joe Budden was alluding to dude being a virgin and he went on a drinking spree spilling his guts on YouTube lol. Even at akademiks level of fame, if he had any confidence in himself he could still bag the baddest chick at most "regular folk" events.

Clearly tho dude is an idiot

He's a clown and living proof that you can have money and fame and still be wack
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But it should be noted that there is preference for light skin over dark skin, and not just in the Black community but globally. The fact that people who are darker skinned in their particular culture tend to be poorer, more imprisoned, have more bleaching products marketed to them, are considered less attractive (or the flip side is fetishized but not truly appreciated), and are regularly dissociated from “beauty” and “goodness” is only the tip of the iceberg with this issue.

In the Black community specifically, yeah, we have a lot to regularly unpack and deconstruct around colorism, how we proliferate it ourselves and how it impacts us when proliferated by Whites and hegemonic norms. Both things impact this favoritism. But to be clear, this is oppression and it is institutional and not solely interpersonal favoritism ("DIS IS JUST MY PREFERENCE"). Colorism is NOT just dark skinned Black women being “jealous,” not solely about the cishet Black male gaze (I PREFER ME A REDBONE) not solely about dark skinned Black women being “mean” to light skinned Black women or any obtuse simplification meant to reduce the fact that it is oppression and it is institutional for dark skinned Black people. It is NOT solely about cishet Black men not wanting to date dark Black women. And I get really angry when this complex global oppression is reduced to “jealousy” of light skinned Black women and dating cishet Black men versus the full nuanced picture that it is.
Something else to consider; colorism does impact Black men. Like…there’s a reason why when you look at a collage of Black men who’ve been extrajudicially killed, they’re usually dark. While any Black men can deal with racial profiling and police abuse sanctioned by the State, the myth of the “violent thug” and “brute” is more closely associated with dark Black men and their bodies.
Colorism is global but I also think where we grew up plays a part in our preferences as well.

Dude sounds lost, but I find that whatever people grew up around the most they tend to be more attracted to. So if you lived in a predominantly white community and went to a predominantly white school, it would make sense if you're more attracted to lite-brites and white girls.

I know white boys who grew up in Black neighborhoods, went to predominantly Black schools and prefer Black women.

This may be off topic but I love that the natural movement is making a comeback because up until recently I've noticed that many light skinned women straighten their hair less and (outside of a poetry lounge or open mic nite kind of scene) our dark skinned sisters keep it looking straight at all times. Until recently, I've rarely seen dark skinned women in America rocking the natural. I live in a predominantly Black neighborhood and almost all of my darker complected sisters keep their hair straight while the lighter hues of brown keep it more natural looking.

I said all that to say, that may play a role in ones "preference".

To me, straight hair looks out of place (like something just don't add up...) on a dark skinned woman/person. It doesn't look real. But some dark skinned women do have naturally straight hair, but it looks natural on them. It doesn't look out of place.

I love that more and more women are embracing the natural movement. But unless you have alopecia or something similar, your natural hair looks perfect on you.

I think an interesting social experiment would be to ask Black men in America to physically describe from head to toe (the first thought that comes to mind) what a 30 year old dark skinned woman, a 30 year old brown skinned woman and a 30 year old light skinned woman in America looks like to them.

Oh and you attract what you are, so if you're only attracting "unattractive" people and lames, then it's you. I'm done.

Do you normally attract the type you're not attracted to?
Do you prefer light skin or dark skin?​
Idk who i attract i only really hold convos with those I'm attracted too.

I had a preference in my early 20's but i grew out of that and date all types now.
I'm extremely attracted to sistas in general and dabble with all the gentile bitches except asian.

As annoying it may be that these ppl r making a spectacle out of their preferences, the reality is that the "I;m not into black girls" types r never the kinda guys I wld wanna attract or that I want any decent sista to attract.

I support him in eliminating himself from the black dating pool.