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Poll Dishwasher vs Hand Wash

Dish washer vs Hand Wash

  • Hand Wash

    Votes: 28 63.6%
  • Dish Washer

    Votes: 18 40.9%

  • Total voters
Or smart...

Like the actual decision to buy a dishwasher is the laziest decision in the fucking world....

Like who has a sit down conversation about how it's better spend a couple hundred to avoid a very minor inconvenience??

Most people got a place where it was already built in.... Or their lazy ass parents made a full measure on what they was tied of ??‍♂️
I was asking for a dishwasher when I saw how cheap they are compared to what I thought

but since we are gonna buy a house soon I didn’t want to get one just to only leave
Had a dishwasher a few years back and it was great

nowadays I’m standing at the sink for 20 mins while my back hurts

and then I get yelled at for the dishes still being dirty
My pops is in his late 60's worked at a factory job for years until he retired standing on his feet and been hand washing dishes for years and still do even now.

But if you suffered from an injury that makes your back hurt then I understand but if not then it's an excuse.
My pops is in his late 60's worked at a factory job for years until he retired standing on his feet and been hand washing dishes for years and still do even now.

But if you suffered from an injury that makes your back hurt then I understand but if not then it's an excuse.
Nah I just got back issues

and Less time doing dishes is more time to do other shit, it’s less shit in the drain of the sink, it’s less piles of dishes that have to be cleared before you wanna cook

you guys are talking to someone who has a $900 self cleaning litter box in his house

if you broke just say thattttt
The dish washer at times don't always come out clean like it should and you at times have to hand wash it.

Also, when you eat at them restaurants and know they use a dishwasher to clean your plates and forks fast, I bet you would say that shit still dirty or would have to wipe it again because I've had to do that plenty of times.
Nah I just got back issues

and Less time doing dishes is more time to do other shit, it’s less shit in the drain of the sink, it’s less piles of dishes that have to be cleared before you wanna cook

you guys are talking to someone who has a $900 self cleaning litter box in his house

if you broke just say thattttt
Ok, I understand and respect that.
Btw I’m perfectly fine with being called lazy for not wanting to wash dishes while being sweaty and getting soap and water everywhere while standing there for a half hr at a time lol

y’all can take that honorable shit up the street
The dish washer at times don't always come out clean like it should and you at times have to hand wash it.

Also, when you eat at them restaurants and know they use a dishwasher to clean your plates and forks fast, I bet you would say that shit still dirty or would have to wipe it again because I've had to do that plenty of times.

Run it back. Handwashing don't guarantee shit clean either.
Growing up I had to wash dishes after every meal, breakfast, lunch and dinner. I hated it then so as an adult I refuse to do that chore when a machine does it for me
Nah I just got back issues

and Less time doing dishes is more time to do other shit, it’s less shit in the drain of the sink, it’s less piles of dishes that have to be cleared before you wanna cook

you guys are talking to someone who has a $900 self cleaning litter box in his house

if you broke just say thattttt
Why do people gotta be broke not wanting to be lazy to use a $900 dishwasher because everybody got their own preference for 1 reason or another why they rather hand wash or use a dish washer.

But I understand your reasoning since you got back issues but then you got others who don't even want to wash dishes the same way people don't want to cook but would say it's better eating out since I don't like to cook but should they be called broke too when person want to cook their own food?
Why do people gotta be broke not wanting to be lazy to use a $900 dishwasher because everybody got their own preference for 1 reason or another why they rather hand wash or use a dish washer.

But I understand your reasoning since you got back issues but then you got others who don't even want to wash dishes the same way people don't want to cook but would say it's better eating out since I don't like to cook but should they be called broke too when person want to cook their own food?
You’re taking the fun out the joke lol

but y’all saying using a dishwasher is lazy but use a microwave, coffee maker, air fryer,etc

Appliances are supposed to eliminate labor or expedite

why niggas getting noble over the dishes? Because your grandma and parents was sitting there slaving over that shit for hours of their lifetime?

you know how much neater your kitchen would be with a dishwasher and how much easier it would be to wanna go make food? Some ppl order food because they don’t even wanna make the dishes

get off y’all high horse lol