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DeShaun Watson’s Legal Saga. Final Ruling: Suspended 11 games for the 2022 Season, fined $5M

It real weird when niggas act like they sree teammates to those who are accused of acts of this nature
ignorant comment

is he not my teammate tho?

Is he not your teammate?

Its real weird when so called black men can't stand up for each other when one is accused by open white supremacists

You niggas hate maga any other time tho, especially when Democrats tell you to

Now yall running with their word because it's easier that way..
Goodell is gonna do what's best for the nfl.

At the end of the day, Deshaun on the field is what's best for the nfl
Goodell is gonna do what's best for the nfl.

At the end of the day, Deshaun on the field is what's best for the nfl

Not if that shyt tarnished the shield.

After 22 allegations...figured they would've did something by now. I can only assume some of them allegations aint as legit as thru makin them out to be.

Still smh @ Watson tho.
Lol Deshaun would be lucky to play this season. I think he's untradeable until his cases clear up and go away.
The rumors so far have been panthers, eagles, and dolphins....I'd throw washington in there too ain't no way they want to rely on old ass fitzpatrick
Washington would love to have him....we don’t care about your character here....lol

plus he ain’t convicted yet of a crime....he is proven to be a simp and having no game....but not a crMinaj.

when a starting qb in Houston paying for out of state pussy when he lives in HOUSTON- his IQ in question